* @file stm8s_uart1.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V2.3.0
* @date 16-June-2017
* @brief This file contains all functions prototypes and macros for the UART1 peripheral.
* @attention
© COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics
* Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM8S_UART1_H
#define __STM8S_UART1_H
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm8s.h"
/** @addtogroup STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver
* @{
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UART1_Exported_Types
* @{
* @brief UART1 Irda Modes
typedef enum { UART1_IRDAMODE_NORMAL = (uint8_t)0x00, /**< 0x00 Irda Normal Mode */
UART1_IRDAMODE_LOWPOWER = (uint8_t)0x01 /**< 0x01 Irda Low Power Mode */
} UART1_IrDAMode_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 WakeUP Modes
typedef enum { UART1_WAKEUP_IDLELINE = (uint8_t)0x00, /**< 0x01 Idle Line wake up */
UART1_WAKEUP_ADDRESSMARK = (uint8_t)0x08 /**< 0x02 Address Mark wake up */
} UART1_WakeUp_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 LIN Break detection length possible values
typedef enum { UART1_LINBREAKDETECTIONLENGTH_10BITS = (uint8_t)0x00, /**< 0x01 10 bits Lin Break detection */
UART1_LINBREAKDETECTIONLENGTH_11BITS = (uint8_t)0x01 /**< 0x02 11 bits Lin Break detection */
} UART1_LINBreakDetectionLength_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 stop bits possible values
typedef enum { UART1_STOPBITS_1 = (uint8_t)0x00, /**< One stop bit is transmitted at the end of frame*/
UART1_STOPBITS_0_5 = (uint8_t)0x10, /**< Half stop bits is transmitted at the end of frame*/
UART1_STOPBITS_2 = (uint8_t)0x20, /**< Two stop bits are transmitted at the end of frame*/
UART1_STOPBITS_1_5 = (uint8_t)0x30 /**< One and half stop bits*/
} UART1_StopBits_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 parity possible values
typedef enum { UART1_PARITY_NO = (uint8_t)0x00, /**< No Parity*/
UART1_PARITY_EVEN = (uint8_t)0x04, /**< Even Parity*/
UART1_PARITY_ODD = (uint8_t)0x06 /**< Odd Parity*/
} UART1_Parity_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 Synchrone modes
typedef enum { UART1_SYNCMODE_CLOCK_DISABLE = (uint8_t)0x80, /**< 0x80 Sync mode Disable, SLK pin Disable */
UART1_SYNCMODE_CLOCK_ENABLE = (uint8_t)0x08, /**< 0x08 Sync mode Enable, SLK pin Enable */
UART1_SYNCMODE_CPOL_LOW = (uint8_t)0x40, /**< 0x40 Steady low value on SCLK pin outside transmission window */
UART1_SYNCMODE_CPOL_HIGH = (uint8_t)0x04, /**< 0x04 Steady high value on SCLK pin outside transmission window */
UART1_SYNCMODE_CPHA_MIDDLE = (uint8_t)0x20, /**< 0x20 SCLK clock line activated in middle of data bit */
UART1_SYNCMODE_CPHA_BEGINING = (uint8_t)0x02, /**< 0x02 SCLK clock line activated at beginning of data bit */
UART1_SYNCMODE_LASTBIT_DISABLE = (uint8_t)0x10, /**< 0x10 The clock pulse of the last data bit is not output to the SCLK pin */
UART1_SYNCMODE_LASTBIT_ENABLE = (uint8_t)0x01 /**< 0x01 The clock pulse of the last data bit is output to the SCLK pin */
} UART1_SyncMode_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 Word length possible values
typedef enum { UART1_WORDLENGTH_8D = (uint8_t)0x00,/**< 0x00 8 bits Data */
UART1_WORDLENGTH_9D = (uint8_t)0x10 /**< 0x10 9 bits Data */
} UART1_WordLength_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 Mode possible values
typedef enum { UART1_MODE_RX_ENABLE = (uint8_t)0x08, /**< 0x08 Receive Enable */
UART1_MODE_TX_ENABLE = (uint8_t)0x04, /**< 0x04 Transmit Enable */
UART1_MODE_TX_DISABLE = (uint8_t)0x80, /**< 0x80 Transmit Disable */
UART1_MODE_RX_DISABLE = (uint8_t)0x40, /**< 0x40 Single-wire Half-duplex mode */
UART1_MODE_TXRX_ENABLE = (uint8_t)0x0C /**< 0x0C Transmit Enable and Receive Enable */
} UART1_Mode_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 Flag possible values
typedef enum { UART1_FLAG_TXE = (uint16_t)0x0080, /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty flag */
UART1_FLAG_TC = (uint16_t)0x0040, /*!< Transmission Complete flag */
UART1_FLAG_RXNE = (uint16_t)0x0020, /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty flag */
UART1_FLAG_IDLE = (uint16_t)0x0010, /*!< Idle line detected flag */
UART1_FLAG_OR = (uint16_t)0x0008, /*!< OverRun error flag */
UART1_FLAG_NF = (uint16_t)0x0004, /*!< Noise error flag */
UART1_FLAG_FE = (uint16_t)0x0002, /*!< Framing Error flag */
UART1_FLAG_PE = (uint16_t)0x0001, /*!< Parity Error flag */
UART1_FLAG_LBDF = (uint16_t)0x0210, /*!< Line Break Detection Flag */
UART1_FLAG_SBK = (uint16_t)0x0101 /*!< Send Break characters Flag */
} UART1_Flag_TypeDef;
* @brief UART1 Interrupt definition
* UART1_IT possible values
* Elements values convention: 0xZYX
* X: Position of the corresponding Interrupt
* - For the following values, X means the interrupt position in the CR2 register.
* - For the UART1_IT_PE value, X means the flag position in the CR1 register.
* - For the UART1_IT_LBDF value, X means the flag position in the CR4 register.
* Y: Flag position
* - For the following values, Y means the flag (pending bit) position in the SR register.
* - For the UART1_IT_LBDF value, Y means the flag position in the CR4 register.
* Z: Register index: indicate in which register the dedicated interrupt source is:
* - 1==> CR1 register
* - 2==> CR2 register
* - 3==> CR4 register
typedef enum { UART1_IT_TXE = (uint16_t)0x0277, /*!< Transmit interrupt */
UART1_IT_TC = (uint16_t)0x0266, /*!< Transmission Complete interrupt */
UART1_IT_RXNE = (uint16_t)0x0255, /*!< Receive interrupt */
UART1_IT_IDLE = (uint16_t)0x0244, /*!< IDLE line interrupt */
UART1_IT_OR = (uint16_t)0x0235, /*!< Overrun Error interrupt */
UART1_IT_PE = (uint16_t)0x0100, /*!< Parity Error interrupt */
UART1_IT_LBDF = (uint16_t)0x0346, /**< LIN break detection interrupt */
UART1_IT_RXNE_OR = (uint16_t)0x0205 /*!< Receive/Overrun interrupt */
} UART1_IT_TypeDef;
* @}
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup UART1_Private_Macros
* @{
* @brief Macro used by the assert function to check the different functions parameters.
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the MODEs possible combination should be one of
* the following
#define IS_UART1_MODE_OK(Mode) \
(((Mode) == (uint8_t)UART1_MODE_RX_ENABLE) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)UART1_MODE_RX_DISABLE) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)UART1_MODE_TX_ENABLE) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)UART1_MODE_TX_DISABLE) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)UART1_MODE_TXRX_ENABLE) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)((uint8_t)UART1_MODE_TX_ENABLE|(uint8_t)UART1_MODE_RX_ENABLE)) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)((uint8_t)UART1_MODE_TX_ENABLE|(uint8_t)UART1_MODE_RX_DISABLE)) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)((uint8_t)UART1_MODE_TX_DISABLE|(uint8_t)UART1_MODE_RX_DISABLE)) || \
((Mode) == (uint8_t)((uint8_t)UART1_MODE_TX_DISABLE|(uint8_t)UART1_MODE_RX_ENABLE)))
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the WordLengths
#define IS_UART1_WORDLENGTH_OK(WordLength) \
(((WordLength) == UART1_WORDLENGTH_8D) || \
((WordLength) == UART1_WORDLENGTH_9D))
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the SyncModes; it should exclude values such
#define IS_UART1_SYNCMODE_OK(SyncMode) \
|| (((SyncMode)&(((uint8_t)UART1_SYNCMODE_CPOL_LOW )|((uint8_t)UART1_SYNCMODE_CPOL_HIGH))) == (((uint8_t)UART1_SYNCMODE_CPOL_LOW )|((uint8_t)UART1_SYNCMODE_CPOL_HIGH))) \
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the FLAGs
#define IS_UART1_FLAG_OK(Flag) \
(((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_TXE) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_TC) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_RXNE) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_IDLE) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_OR) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_NF) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_FE) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_PE) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_SBK) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_LBDF))
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the FLAGs that can be cleared by writing 0
#define IS_UART1_CLEAR_FLAG_OK(Flag) \
(((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_RXNE) || \
((Flag) == UART1_FLAG_LBDF))
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the Interrupts
#define IS_UART1_CONFIG_IT_OK(Interrupt) \
(((Interrupt) == UART1_IT_PE) || \
((Interrupt) == UART1_IT_TXE) || \
((Interrupt) == UART1_IT_TC) || \
((Interrupt) == UART1_IT_RXNE_OR ) || \
((Interrupt) == UART1_IT_IDLE) || \
((Interrupt) == UART1_IT_LBDF))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the pending bit
#define IS_UART1_GET_IT_OK(ITPendingBit) \
(((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_TXE) || \
((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_TC) || \
((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_RXNE) || \
((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_IDLE) || \
((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_OR) || \
((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_LBDF) || \
((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_PE))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the pending bit that can be cleared by writing 0
#define IS_UART1_CLEAR_IT_OK(ITPendingBit) \
(((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_RXNE) || \
((ITPendingBit) == UART1_IT_LBDF))
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the IrDAModes
#define IS_UART1_IRDAMODE_OK(IrDAMode) \
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the WakeUps
#define IS_UART1_WAKEUP_OK(WakeUp) \
(((WakeUp) == UART1_WAKEUP_IDLELINE) || \
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the LINBreakDetectionLengths
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the UART1_StopBits
#define IS_UART1_STOPBITS_OK(StopBit) (((StopBit) == UART1_STOPBITS_1) || \
((StopBit) == UART1_STOPBITS_0_5) || \
((StopBit) == UART1_STOPBITS_2) || \
((StopBit) == UART1_STOPBITS_1_5 ))
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the different
* sensitivity values for the Parity
#define IS_UART1_PARITY_OK(Parity) (((Parity) == UART1_PARITY_NO) || \
((Parity) == UART1_PARITY_EVEN) || \
((Parity) == UART1_PARITY_ODD ))
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the maximum
* baudrate value
#define IS_UART1_BAUDRATE_OK(NUM) ((NUM) <= (uint32_t)625000)
* @brief Macro used by the assert_param function in order to check the address
* of the UART1 or UART node
#define UART1_ADDRESS_MAX ((uint8_t)16)
#define IS_UART1_ADDRESS_OK(node) ((node) < UART1_ADDRESS_MAX )
* @}
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @addtogroup UART1_Exported_Functions
* @{
void UART1_DeInit(void);
void UART1_Init(uint32_t BaudRate, UART1_WordLength_TypeDef WordLength,
UART1_StopBits_TypeDef StopBits, UART1_Parity_TypeDef Parity,
UART1_SyncMode_TypeDef SyncMode, UART1_Mode_TypeDef Mode);
void UART1_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState);
void UART1_ITConfig(UART1_IT_TypeDef UART1_IT, FunctionalState NewState);
void UART1_HalfDuplexCmd(FunctionalState NewState);
void UART1_IrDAConfig(UART1_IrDAMode_TypeDef UART1_IrDAMode);
void UART1_IrDACmd(FunctionalState NewState);
void UART1_LINBreakDetectionConfig(UART1_LINBreakDetectionLength_TypeDef UART1_LINBreakDetectionLength);
void UART1_LINCmd(FunctionalState NewState);
void UART1_SmartCardCmd(FunctionalState NewState);
void UART1_SmartCardNACKCmd(FunctionalState NewState);
void UART1_WakeUpConfig(UART1_WakeUp_TypeDef UART1_WakeUp);
void UART1_ReceiverWakeUpCmd(FunctionalState NewState);
uint8_t UART1_ReceiveData8(void);
uint16_t UART1_ReceiveData9(void);
void UART1_SendData8(uint8_t Data);
void UART1_SendData9(uint16_t Data);
void UART1_SendBreak(void);
void UART1_SetAddress(uint8_t UART1_Address);
void UART1_SetGuardTime(uint8_t UART1_GuardTime);
void UART1_SetPrescaler(uint8_t UART1_Prescaler);
FlagStatus UART1_GetFlagStatus(UART1_Flag_TypeDef UART1_FLAG);
void UART1_ClearFlag(UART1_Flag_TypeDef UART1_FLAG);
ITStatus UART1_GetITStatus(UART1_IT_TypeDef UART1_IT);
void UART1_ClearITPendingBit(UART1_IT_TypeDef UART1_IT);
* @}
#endif /* __STM8S_UART1_H */
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/