/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm8s_itc.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V2.3.0 * @date 16-June-2017 * @brief This file contains all the functions for the ITC peripheral. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm8s_itc.h" /** @addtogroup STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver * @{ */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup ITC_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Utility function used to read CC register. * @param None * @retval CPU CC register value */ uint8_t ITC_GetCPUCC(void) { #ifdef _COSMIC_ _asm("push cc"); _asm("pop a"); return; /* Ignore compiler warning, the returned value is in A register */ #elif defined _RAISONANCE_ /* _RAISONANCE_ */ return _getCC_(); #else /* _IAR_ */ asm("push cc"); asm("pop a"); /* Ignore compiler warning, the returned value is in A register */ #endif /* _COSMIC_*/ } /** * @} */ /* Public functions ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup ITC_Public_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Deinitializes the ITC registers to their default reset value. * @param None * @retval None */ void ITC_DeInit(void) { ITC->ISPR1 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; ITC->ISPR2 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; ITC->ISPR3 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; ITC->ISPR4 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; ITC->ISPR5 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; ITC->ISPR6 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; ITC->ISPR7 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; ITC->ISPR8 = ITC_SPRX_RESET_VALUE; } /** * @brief Gets the interrupt software priority bits (I1, I0) value from CPU CC register. * @param None * @retval The interrupt software priority bits value. */ uint8_t ITC_GetSoftIntStatus(void) { return (uint8_t)(ITC_GetCPUCC() & CPU_CC_I1I0); } /** * @brief Gets the software priority of the specified interrupt source. * @param IrqNum : Specifies the peripheral interrupt source. * @retval ITC_PriorityLevel_TypeDef : Specifies the software priority of the interrupt source. */ ITC_PriorityLevel_TypeDef ITC_GetSoftwarePriority(ITC_Irq_TypeDef IrqNum) { uint8_t Value = 0; uint8_t Mask = 0; /* Check function parameters */ assert_param(IS_ITC_IRQ_OK((uint8_t)IrqNum)); /* Define the mask corresponding to the bits position in the SPR register */ Mask = (uint8_t)(0x03U << (((uint8_t)IrqNum % 4U) * 2U)); switch (IrqNum) { case ITC_IRQ_TLI: /* TLI software priority can be read but has no meaning */ case ITC_IRQ_AWU: case ITC_IRQ_CLK: case ITC_IRQ_PORTA: Value = (uint8_t)(ITC->ISPR1 & Mask); /* Read software priority */ break; case ITC_IRQ_PORTB: case ITC_IRQ_PORTC: case ITC_IRQ_PORTD: case ITC_IRQ_PORTE: Value = (uint8_t)(ITC->ISPR2 & Mask); /* Read software priority */ break; #if defined(STM8S208) || defined(STM8AF52Ax) case ITC_IRQ_CAN_RX: case ITC_IRQ_CAN_TX: #endif /*STM8S208 or STM8AF52Ax */ #if defined(STM8S903) || defined(STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_PORTF: #endif /*STM8S903 or STM8AF622x */ case ITC_IRQ_SPI: case ITC_IRQ_TIM1_OVF: Value = (uint8_t)(ITC->ISPR3 & Mask); /* Read software priority */ break; case ITC_IRQ_TIM1_CAPCOM: #if defined (STM8S903) || defined (STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_TIM5_OVFTRI: case ITC_IRQ_TIM5_CAPCOM: #else case ITC_IRQ_TIM2_OVF: case ITC_IRQ_TIM2_CAPCOM: #endif /* STM8S903 or STM8AF622x*/ case ITC_IRQ_TIM3_OVF: Value = (uint8_t)(ITC->ISPR4 & Mask); /* Read software priority */ break; case ITC_IRQ_TIM3_CAPCOM: #if defined(STM8S208) ||defined(STM8S207) || defined (STM8S007) || defined(STM8S103) || \ defined(STM8S003) ||defined(STM8S001) || defined (STM8S903) || defined (STM8AF52Ax) || defined (STM8AF62Ax) case ITC_IRQ_UART1_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART1_RX: #endif /*STM8S208 or STM8S207 or STM8S007 or STM8S103 or STM8S003 or STM8S001 or STM8S903 or STM8AF52Ax or STM8AF62Ax */ #if defined(STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_UART4_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART4_RX: #endif /*STM8AF622x */ case ITC_IRQ_I2C: Value = (uint8_t)(ITC->ISPR5 & Mask); /* Read software priority */ break; #if defined(STM8S105) || defined(STM8S005) || defined(STM8AF626x) case ITC_IRQ_UART2_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART2_RX: #endif /*STM8S105 or STM8AF626x*/ #if defined(STM8S208) || defined(STM8S207) || defined(STM8S007) || defined(STM8AF52Ax) || \ defined(STM8AF62Ax) case ITC_IRQ_UART3_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART3_RX: case ITC_IRQ_ADC2: #endif /*STM8S208 or STM8S207 or STM8AF52Ax or STM8AF62Ax */ #if defined(STM8S105) || defined(STM8S005) || defined(STM8S103) || defined(STM8S003) || \ defined(STM8S001) || defined(STM8S903) || defined(STM8AF626x) || defined(STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_ADC1: #endif /*STM8S105, STM8S005, STM8S103 or STM8S003 or STM8S001 or STM8S903 or STM8AF626x or STM8AF622x */ #if defined (STM8S903) || defined (STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_TIM6_OVFTRI: #else case ITC_IRQ_TIM4_OVF: #endif /*STM8S903 or STM8AF622x */ Value = (uint8_t)(ITC->ISPR6 & Mask); /* Read software priority */ break; case ITC_IRQ_EEPROM_EEC: Value = (uint8_t)(ITC->ISPR7 & Mask); /* Read software priority */ break; default: break; } Value >>= (uint8_t)(((uint8_t)IrqNum % 4u) * 2u); return((ITC_PriorityLevel_TypeDef)Value); } /** * @brief Sets the software priority of the specified interrupt source. * @note - The modification of the software priority is only possible when * the interrupts are disabled. * - The normal behavior is to disable the interrupt before calling * this function, and re-enable it after. * - The priority level 0 cannot be set (see product specification * for more details). * @param IrqNum : Specifies the peripheral interrupt source. * @param PriorityValue : Specifies the software priority value to set, * can be a value of @ref ITC_PriorityLevel_TypeDef . * @retval None */ void ITC_SetSoftwarePriority(ITC_Irq_TypeDef IrqNum, ITC_PriorityLevel_TypeDef PriorityValue) { uint8_t Mask = 0; uint8_t NewPriority = 0; /* Check function parameters */ assert_param(IS_ITC_IRQ_OK((uint8_t)IrqNum)); assert_param(IS_ITC_PRIORITY_OK(PriorityValue)); /* Check if interrupts are disabled */ assert_param(IS_ITC_INTERRUPTS_DISABLED); /* Define the mask corresponding to the bits position in the SPR register */ /* The mask is reversed in order to clear the 2 bits after more easily */ Mask = (uint8_t)(~(uint8_t)(0x03U << (((uint8_t)IrqNum % 4U) * 2U))); /* Define the new priority to write */ NewPriority = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(PriorityValue) << (((uint8_t)IrqNum % 4U) * 2U)); switch (IrqNum) { case ITC_IRQ_TLI: /* TLI software priority can be written but has no meaning */ case ITC_IRQ_AWU: case ITC_IRQ_CLK: case ITC_IRQ_PORTA: ITC->ISPR1 &= Mask; ITC->ISPR1 |= NewPriority; break; case ITC_IRQ_PORTB: case ITC_IRQ_PORTC: case ITC_IRQ_PORTD: case ITC_IRQ_PORTE: ITC->ISPR2 &= Mask; ITC->ISPR2 |= NewPriority; break; #if defined(STM8S208) || defined(STM8AF52Ax) case ITC_IRQ_CAN_RX: case ITC_IRQ_CAN_TX: #endif /*STM8S208 or STM8AF52Ax */ #if defined(STM8S903) || defined(STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_PORTF: #endif /*STM8S903 or STM8AF622x */ case ITC_IRQ_SPI: case ITC_IRQ_TIM1_OVF: ITC->ISPR3 &= Mask; ITC->ISPR3 |= NewPriority; break; case ITC_IRQ_TIM1_CAPCOM: #if defined(STM8S903) || defined(STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_TIM5_OVFTRI: case ITC_IRQ_TIM5_CAPCOM: #else case ITC_IRQ_TIM2_OVF: case ITC_IRQ_TIM2_CAPCOM: #endif /*STM8S903 or STM8AF622x */ case ITC_IRQ_TIM3_OVF: ITC->ISPR4 &= Mask; ITC->ISPR4 |= NewPriority; break; case ITC_IRQ_TIM3_CAPCOM: #if defined(STM8S208) ||defined(STM8S207) || defined (STM8S007) || defined(STM8S103) || \ defined(STM8S001) ||defined(STM8S003) ||defined(STM8S903) || defined (STM8AF52Ax) || defined (STM8AF62Ax) case ITC_IRQ_UART1_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART1_RX: #endif /*STM8S208 or STM8S207 or STM8S007 or STM8S103 or STM8S003 or STM8S001 or STM8S903 or STM8AF52Ax or STM8AF62Ax */ #if defined(STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_UART4_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART4_RX: #endif /*STM8AF622x */ case ITC_IRQ_I2C: ITC->ISPR5 &= Mask; ITC->ISPR5 |= NewPriority; break; #if defined(STM8S105) || defined(STM8S005) || defined(STM8AF626x) case ITC_IRQ_UART2_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART2_RX: #endif /*STM8S105 or STM8AF626x */ #if defined(STM8S208) || defined(STM8S207) || defined(STM8S007) || defined(STM8AF52Ax) || \ defined(STM8AF62Ax) case ITC_IRQ_UART3_TX: case ITC_IRQ_UART3_RX: case ITC_IRQ_ADC2: #endif /*STM8S208 or STM8S207 or STM8AF52Ax or STM8AF62Ax */ #if defined(STM8S105) || defined(STM8S005) || defined(STM8S103) || defined(STM8S003) || \ defined(STM8S001) || defined(STM8S903) || defined(STM8AF626x) || defined (STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_ADC1: #endif /*STM8S105, STM8S005, STM8S103 or STM8S003 or STM8S001 or STM8S903 or STM8AF626x or STM8AF622x */ #if defined (STM8S903) || defined (STM8AF622x) case ITC_IRQ_TIM6_OVFTRI: #else case ITC_IRQ_TIM4_OVF: #endif /* STM8S903 or STM8AF622x */ ITC->ISPR6 &= Mask; ITC->ISPR6 |= NewPriority; break; case ITC_IRQ_EEPROM_EEC: ITC->ISPR7 &= Mask; ITC->ISPR7 |= NewPriority; break; default: break; } } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/