/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm8s_clk.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V2.3.0 * @date 16-June-2017 * @brief This file contains all the functions for the CLK peripheral. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm8s_clk.h" /** @addtogroup STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver * @{ */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private Constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @addtogroup CLK_Private_Constants * @{ */ CONST uint8_t HSIDivFactor[4] = {1, 2, 4, 8}; /*!< Holds the different HSI Divider factors */ CONST uint8_t CLKPrescTable[8] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 20, 40}; /*!< Holds the different CLK prescaler values */ /** * @} */ /* Public functions ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @addtogroup CLK_Public_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Deinitializes the CLK peripheral registers to their default reset * values. * @param None * @retval None * @par Warning: * Resetting the CCOR register: \n * When the CCOEN bit is set, the reset of the CCOR register require * two consecutive write instructions in order to reset first the CCOEN bit * and the second one is to reset the CCOSEL bits. */ void CLK_DeInit(void) { CLK->ICKR = CLK_ICKR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->ECKR = CLK_ECKR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->SWR = CLK_SWR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->SWCR = CLK_SWCR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->CKDIVR = CLK_CKDIVR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->PCKENR1 = CLK_PCKENR1_RESET_VALUE; CLK->PCKENR2 = CLK_PCKENR2_RESET_VALUE; CLK->CSSR = CLK_CSSR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->CCOR = CLK_CCOR_RESET_VALUE; while ((CLK->CCOR & CLK_CCOR_CCOEN)!= 0) {} CLK->CCOR = CLK_CCOR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->HSITRIMR = CLK_HSITRIMR_RESET_VALUE; CLK->SWIMCCR = CLK_SWIMCCR_RESET_VALUE; } /** * @brief Configures the High Speed Internal oscillator (HSI). * @par Full description: * If CLK_FastHaltWakeup is enabled, HSI oscillator is automatically * switched-on (HSIEN=1) and selected as next clock master * (CKM=SWI=HSI) when resuming from HALT/ActiveHalt modes.\n * @param NewState this parameter is the Wake-up Mode state. * @retval None */ void CLK_FastHaltWakeUpCmd(FunctionalState NewState) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Set FHWU bit (HSI oscillator is automatically switched-on) */ CLK->ICKR |= CLK_ICKR_FHWU; } else /* FastHaltWakeup = DISABLE */ { /* Reset FHWU bit */ CLK->ICKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ICKR_FHWU); } } /** * @brief Enable or Disable the External High Speed oscillator (HSE). * @param NewState new state of HSEEN, value accepted ENABLE, DISABLE. * @retval None */ void CLK_HSECmd(FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Set HSEEN bit */ CLK->ECKR |= CLK_ECKR_HSEEN; } else { /* Reset HSEEN bit */ CLK->ECKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ECKR_HSEEN); } } /** * @brief Enables or disables the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI). * @param NewState new state of HSIEN, value accepted ENABLE, DISABLE. * @retval None */ void CLK_HSICmd(FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Set HSIEN bit */ CLK->ICKR |= CLK_ICKR_HSIEN; } else { /* Reset HSIEN bit */ CLK->ICKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ICKR_HSIEN); } } /** * @brief Enables or disables the Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI). * @param NewState new state of LSIEN, value accepted ENABLE, DISABLE. * @note Before using the LSI clock you have to enable the option bytes (LSI_EN option bit is set). * @retval None */ void CLK_LSICmd(FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Set LSIEN bit */ CLK->ICKR |= CLK_ICKR_LSIEN; } else { /* Reset LSIEN bit */ CLK->ICKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ICKR_LSIEN); } } /** * @brief Enables or disablle the Configurable Clock Output (CCO). * @param NewState : New state of CCEN bit (CCO register). * This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration. * @retval None */ void CLK_CCOCmd(FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Set CCOEN bit */ CLK->CCOR |= CLK_CCOR_CCOEN; } else { /* Reset CCOEN bit */ CLK->CCOR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_CCOR_CCOEN); } } /** * @brief Starts or Stops manually the clock switch execution. * @par Full description: * NewState parameter set the SWEN. * @param NewState new state of SWEN, value accepted ENABLE, DISABLE. * @retval None */ void CLK_ClockSwitchCmd(FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE ) { /* Enable the Clock Switch */ CLK->SWCR |= CLK_SWCR_SWEN; } else { /* Disable the Clock Switch */ CLK->SWCR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_SWCR_SWEN); } } /** * @brief Configures the slow active halt wake up * @param NewState: specifies the Slow Active Halt wake up state. * can be set of the following values: * - DISABLE: Slow Active Halt mode disabled; * - ENABLE: Slow Active Halt mode enabled. * @retval None */ void CLK_SlowActiveHaltWakeUpCmd(FunctionalState NewState) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Set S_ACTHALT bit */ CLK->ICKR |= CLK_ICKR_SWUAH; } else { /* Reset S_ACTHALT bit */ CLK->ICKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ICKR_SWUAH); } } /** * @brief Enables or disables the specified peripheral CLK. * @param CLK_Peripheral : This parameter specifies the peripheral clock to gate. * This parameter can be any of the @ref CLK_Peripheral_TypeDef enumeration. * @param NewState : New state of specified peripheral clock. * This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration. * @retval None */ void CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_TypeDef CLK_Peripheral, FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); assert_param(IS_CLK_PERIPHERAL_OK(CLK_Peripheral)); if (((uint8_t)CLK_Peripheral & (uint8_t)0x10) == 0x00) { if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Enable the peripheral Clock */ CLK->PCKENR1 |= (uint8_t)((uint8_t)1 << ((uint8_t)CLK_Peripheral & (uint8_t)0x0F)); } else { /* Disable the peripheral Clock */ CLK->PCKENR1 &= (uint8_t)(~(uint8_t)(((uint8_t)1 << ((uint8_t)CLK_Peripheral & (uint8_t)0x0F)))); } } else { if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Enable the peripheral Clock */ CLK->PCKENR2 |= (uint8_t)((uint8_t)1 << ((uint8_t)CLK_Peripheral & (uint8_t)0x0F)); } else { /* Disable the peripheral Clock */ CLK->PCKENR2 &= (uint8_t)(~(uint8_t)(((uint8_t)1 << ((uint8_t)CLK_Peripheral & (uint8_t)0x0F)))); } } } /** * @brief configures the Switch from one clock to another * @param CLK_SwitchMode select the clock switch mode. * It can be set of the values of @ref CLK_SwitchMode_TypeDef * @param CLK_NewClock choice of the future clock. * It can be set of the values of @ref CLK_Source_TypeDef * @param ITState Enable or Disable the Clock Switch interrupt. * @param CLK_CurrentClockState current clock to switch OFF or to keep ON. * It can be set of the values of @ref CLK_CurrentClockState_TypeDef * @note LSI selected as master clock source only if LSI_EN option bit is set. * @retval ErrorStatus this shows the clock switch status (ERROR/SUCCESS). */ ErrorStatus CLK_ClockSwitchConfig(CLK_SwitchMode_TypeDef CLK_SwitchMode, CLK_Source_TypeDef CLK_NewClock, FunctionalState ITState, CLK_CurrentClockState_TypeDef CLK_CurrentClockState) { CLK_Source_TypeDef clock_master; uint16_t DownCounter = CLK_TIMEOUT; ErrorStatus Swif = ERROR; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_SOURCE_OK(CLK_NewClock)); assert_param(IS_CLK_SWITCHMODE_OK(CLK_SwitchMode)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(ITState)); assert_param(IS_CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_OK(CLK_CurrentClockState)); /* Current clock master saving */ clock_master = (CLK_Source_TypeDef)CLK->CMSR; /* Automatic switch mode management */ if (CLK_SwitchMode == CLK_SWITCHMODE_AUTO) { /* Enables Clock switch */ CLK->SWCR |= CLK_SWCR_SWEN; /* Enables or Disables Switch interrupt */ if (ITState != DISABLE) { CLK->SWCR |= CLK_SWCR_SWIEN; } else { CLK->SWCR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_SWCR_SWIEN); } /* Selection of the target clock source */ CLK->SWR = (uint8_t)CLK_NewClock; /* Wait until the target clock source is ready */ while((((CLK->SWCR & CLK_SWCR_SWBSY) != 0 )&& (DownCounter != 0))) { DownCounter--; } if(DownCounter != 0) { Swif = SUCCESS; } else { Swif = ERROR; } } else /* CLK_SwitchMode == CLK_SWITCHMODE_MANUAL */ { /* Enables or Disables Switch interrupt if required */ if (ITState != DISABLE) { CLK->SWCR |= CLK_SWCR_SWIEN; } else { CLK->SWCR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_SWCR_SWIEN); } /* Selection of the target clock source */ CLK->SWR = (uint8_t)CLK_NewClock; /* Wait until the target clock source is ready */ while((((CLK->SWCR & CLK_SWCR_SWIF) != 0 ) && (DownCounter != 0))) { DownCounter--; } if(DownCounter != 0) { /* Enables Clock switch */ CLK->SWCR |= CLK_SWCR_SWEN; Swif = SUCCESS; } else { Swif = ERROR; } } if(Swif != ERROR) { /* Switch OFF current clock if required */ if((CLK_CurrentClockState == CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_DISABLE) && ( clock_master == CLK_SOURCE_HSI)) { CLK->ICKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ICKR_HSIEN); } else if((CLK_CurrentClockState == CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_DISABLE) && ( clock_master == CLK_SOURCE_LSI)) { CLK->ICKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ICKR_LSIEN); } else if ((CLK_CurrentClockState == CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_DISABLE) && ( clock_master == CLK_SOURCE_HSE)) { CLK->ECKR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_ECKR_HSEEN); } } return(Swif); } /** * @brief Configures the HSI clock dividers. * @param HSIPrescaler : Specifies the HSI clock divider to apply. * This parameter can be any of the @ref CLK_Prescaler_TypeDef enumeration. * @retval None */ void CLK_HSIPrescalerConfig(CLK_Prescaler_TypeDef HSIPrescaler) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_HSIPRESCALER_OK(HSIPrescaler)); /* Clear High speed internal clock prescaler */ CLK->CKDIVR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_CKDIVR_HSIDIV); /* Set High speed internal clock prescaler */ CLK->CKDIVR |= (uint8_t)HSIPrescaler; } /** * @brief Output the selected clock on a dedicated I/O pin. * @param CLK_CCO : Specifies the clock source. * This parameter can be any of the @ref CLK_Output_TypeDef enumeration. * @retval None * @par Required preconditions: * The dedicated I/O pin must be set at 1 in the corresponding Px_CR1 register \n * to be set as input with pull-up or push-pull output. */ void CLK_CCOConfig(CLK_Output_TypeDef CLK_CCO) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_OUTPUT_OK(CLK_CCO)); /* Clears of the CCO type bits part */ CLK->CCOR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_CCOR_CCOSEL); /* Selects the source provided on cco_ck output */ CLK->CCOR |= (uint8_t)CLK_CCO; /* Enable the clock output */ CLK->CCOR |= CLK_CCOR_CCOEN; } /** * @brief Enables or disables the specified CLK interrupts. * @param CLK_IT This parameter specifies the interrupt sources. * It can be one of the values of @ref CLK_IT_TypeDef. * @param NewState New state of the Interrupt. * Value accepted ENABLE, DISABLE. * @retval None */ void CLK_ITConfig(CLK_IT_TypeDef CLK_IT, FunctionalState NewState) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState)); assert_param(IS_CLK_IT_OK(CLK_IT)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { switch (CLK_IT) { case CLK_IT_SWIF: /* Enable the clock switch interrupt */ CLK->SWCR |= CLK_SWCR_SWIEN; break; case CLK_IT_CSSD: /* Enable the clock security system detection interrupt */ CLK->CSSR |= CLK_CSSR_CSSDIE; break; default: break; } } else /*(NewState == DISABLE)*/ { switch (CLK_IT) { case CLK_IT_SWIF: /* Disable the clock switch interrupt */ CLK->SWCR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_SWCR_SWIEN); break; case CLK_IT_CSSD: /* Disable the clock security system detection interrupt */ CLK->CSSR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_CSSR_CSSDIE); break; default: break; } } } /** * @brief Configures the HSI and CPU clock dividers. * @param CLK_Prescaler Specifies the HSI or CPU clock divider to apply. * @retval None */ void CLK_SYSCLKConfig(CLK_Prescaler_TypeDef CLK_Prescaler) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_PRESCALER_OK(CLK_Prescaler)); if (((uint8_t)CLK_Prescaler & (uint8_t)0x80) == 0x00) /* Bit7 = 0 means HSI divider */ { CLK->CKDIVR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_CKDIVR_HSIDIV); CLK->CKDIVR |= (uint8_t)((uint8_t)CLK_Prescaler & (uint8_t)CLK_CKDIVR_HSIDIV); } else /* Bit7 = 1 means CPU divider */ { CLK->CKDIVR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_CKDIVR_CPUDIV); CLK->CKDIVR |= (uint8_t)((uint8_t)CLK_Prescaler & (uint8_t)CLK_CKDIVR_CPUDIV); } } /** * @brief Configures the SWIM clock frequency on the fly. * @param CLK_SWIMDivider Specifies the SWIM clock divider to apply. * can be one of the value of @ref CLK_SWIMDivider_TypeDef * @retval None */ void CLK_SWIMConfig(CLK_SWIMDivider_TypeDef CLK_SWIMDivider) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_OK(CLK_SWIMDivider)); if (CLK_SWIMDivider != CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_2) { /* SWIM clock is not divided by 2 */ CLK->SWIMCCR |= CLK_SWIMCCR_SWIMDIV; } else /* CLK_SWIMDivider == CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_2 */ { /* SWIM clock is divided by 2 */ CLK->SWIMCCR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_SWIMCCR_SWIMDIV); } } /** * @brief Enables the Clock Security System. * @par Full description: * once CSS is enabled it cannot be disabled until the next reset. * @param None * @retval None */ void CLK_ClockSecuritySystemEnable(void) { /* Set CSSEN bit */ CLK->CSSR |= CLK_CSSR_CSSEN; } /** * @brief Returns the clock source used as system clock. * @param None * @retval Clock source used. * can be one of the values of @ref CLK_Source_TypeDef */ CLK_Source_TypeDef CLK_GetSYSCLKSource(void) { return((CLK_Source_TypeDef)CLK->CMSR); } /** * @brief This function returns the frequencies of different on chip clocks. * @param None * @retval the master clock frequency */ uint32_t CLK_GetClockFreq(void) { uint32_t clockfrequency = 0; CLK_Source_TypeDef clocksource = CLK_SOURCE_HSI; uint8_t tmp = 0, presc = 0; /* Get CLK source. */ clocksource = (CLK_Source_TypeDef)CLK->CMSR; if (clocksource == CLK_SOURCE_HSI) { tmp = (uint8_t)(CLK->CKDIVR & CLK_CKDIVR_HSIDIV); tmp = (uint8_t)(tmp >> 3); presc = HSIDivFactor[tmp]; clockfrequency = HSI_VALUE / presc; } else if ( clocksource == CLK_SOURCE_LSI) { clockfrequency = LSI_VALUE; } else { clockfrequency = HSE_VALUE; } return((uint32_t)clockfrequency); } /** * @brief Adjusts the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) calibration value. * @par Full description: * @param CLK_HSICalibrationValue calibration trimming value. * can be one of the values of @ref CLK_HSITrimValue_TypeDef * @retval None */ void CLK_AdjustHSICalibrationValue(CLK_HSITrimValue_TypeDef CLK_HSICalibrationValue) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_OK(CLK_HSICalibrationValue)); /* Store the new value */ CLK->HSITRIMR = (uint8_t)( (uint8_t)(CLK->HSITRIMR & (uint8_t)(~CLK_HSITRIMR_HSITRIM))|((uint8_t)CLK_HSICalibrationValue)); } /** * @brief Reset the SWBSY flag (SWICR Register) * @par Full description: * This function reset SWBSY flag in order to reset clock switch operations (target * oscillator is broken, stabilization is longing too much, etc.). If at the same time \n * software attempts to set SWEN and clear SWBSY, SWBSY action takes precedence. * @param None * @retval None */ void CLK_SYSCLKEmergencyClear(void) { CLK->SWCR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_SWCR_SWBSY); } /** * @brief Checks whether the specified CLK flag is set or not. * @par Full description: * @param CLK_FLAG Flag to check. * can be one of the values of @ref CLK_Flag_TypeDef * @retval FlagStatus, status of the checked flag */ FlagStatus CLK_GetFlagStatus(CLK_Flag_TypeDef CLK_FLAG) { uint16_t statusreg = 0; uint8_t tmpreg = 0; FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET; /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_FLAG_OK(CLK_FLAG)); /* Get the CLK register index */ statusreg = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)CLK_FLAG & (uint16_t)0xFF00); if (statusreg == 0x0100) /* The flag to check is in ICKRregister */ { tmpreg = CLK->ICKR; } else if (statusreg == 0x0200) /* The flag to check is in ECKRregister */ { tmpreg = CLK->ECKR; } else if (statusreg == 0x0300) /* The flag to check is in SWIC register */ { tmpreg = CLK->SWCR; } else if (statusreg == 0x0400) /* The flag to check is in CSS register */ { tmpreg = CLK->CSSR; } else /* The flag to check is in CCO register */ { tmpreg = CLK->CCOR; } if ((tmpreg & (uint8_t)CLK_FLAG) != (uint8_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } /* Return the flag status */ return((FlagStatus)bitstatus); } /** * @brief Checks whether the specified CLK interrupt has is enabled or not. * @param CLK_IT specifies the CLK interrupt. * can be one of the values of @ref CLK_IT_TypeDef * @retval ITStatus, new state of CLK_IT (SET or RESET). */ ITStatus CLK_GetITStatus(CLK_IT_TypeDef CLK_IT) { ITStatus bitstatus = RESET; /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_IT_OK(CLK_IT)); if (CLK_IT == CLK_IT_SWIF) { /* Check the status of the clock switch interrupt */ if ((CLK->SWCR & (uint8_t)CLK_IT) == (uint8_t)0x0C) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } } else /* CLK_IT == CLK_IT_CSSDIE */ { /* Check the status of the security system detection interrupt */ if ((CLK->CSSR & (uint8_t)CLK_IT) == (uint8_t)0x0C) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } } /* Return the CLK_IT status */ return bitstatus; } /** * @brief Clears the CLK’s interrupt pending bits. * @param CLK_IT specifies the interrupt pending bits. * can be one of the values of @ref CLK_IT_TypeDef * @retval None */ void CLK_ClearITPendingBit(CLK_IT_TypeDef CLK_IT) { /* check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CLK_IT_OK(CLK_IT)); if (CLK_IT == (uint8_t)CLK_IT_CSSD) { /* Clear the status of the security system detection interrupt */ CLK->CSSR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_CSSR_CSSD); } else /* CLK_PendingBit == (uint8_t)CLK_IT_SWIF */ { /* Clear the status of the clock switch interrupt */ CLK->SWCR &= (uint8_t)(~CLK_SWCR_SWIF); } } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/