@@ -21,112 +21,54 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "INA219.h"
#include "i2c.h"
-static uint8_t inaAddress;
static uint16_t currentLSB, powerLSB;
-static uint16_t vShuntMax;
-static uint16_t vBusMax;
-static uint16_t Rshunt;
+static uint16_t vShuntMax; // millivolt
+static uint16_t vBusMax; // millivolt
+static uint16_t rShunt; // milliohms
- * Configure I2C, INA219
- */
-void INA219_Config(INA219_InitTypeDef * INA219_InitStruct) {
- uint16_t config;
+static uint8_t flagCNVR; // Conversion Ready
+static uint8_t flagOVF; // Math Overflow Flag
- /** INA219 configure */
- config = INA219_InitStruct->INA219_RST;
- config |= INA219_InitStruct->INA219_BVR;
- config |= INA219_InitStruct->INA219_PG;
- config |= INA219_InitStruct->INA219_BADC;
- config |= INA219_InitStruct->INA219_SADC;
- config |= INA219_InitStruct->INA219_MODE;
- inaAddress = INA219_InitStruct->INA219_Addr;
- switch(INA219_InitStruct->INA219_BVR) {
- case INA219_RANGE_32V:
- vBusMax = 32000;
- break;
- case INA219_RANGE_16V:
- vBusMax = 16000;
- break;
- }
- switch(INA219_InitStruct->INA219_PG) {
- case INA219_GAIN_320MV:
- vShuntMax = 320;
- break;
- case INA219_GAIN_160MV:
- vShuntMax = 160;
- break;
- case INA219_GAIN_80MV:
- vShuntMax = 80;
- break;
- case INA219_GAIN_40MV:
- vShuntMax = 40;
- break;
- }
- I2C_Write_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CONFIG, config);
+static t_i2c_status status = I2C_SUCCESS;
- * @brief Fills each INA219_InitStruct member with its default value.
- * @param INA219_InitStruct: pointer to a INA219_InitTypeDef structure which will
- * be initialized.
- * @retval None
- */
-void INA219_StructInit(INA219_InitTypeDef * INA219_InitStruct) {
- /* Reset INA219 init structure parameters values */
- INA219_InitStruct->INA219_Addr = INA219_ADDRESS;
- INA219_InitStruct->INA219_RST = INA219_RESET_OFF;
- INA219_InitStruct->INA219_BVR = INA219_RANGE_32V;
- INA219_InitStruct->INA219_PG = INA219_GAIN_320MV;
- INA219_InitStruct->INA219_BADC = INA219_BUS_RES_12BIT;
- INA219_InitStruct->INA219_SADC = INA219_SHUNT_RES_12BIT;
- INA219_InitStruct->INA219_MODE = INA219_MODE_SHUNT_BUS_CONT;
- * Calculate calibration values.
- * rShuntValue in miliohms, iMaxExpected in miliampers.
+ * Configure I2C, INA219
-void INA219_Calibrate(void) {
+void INA219_Config(void) {
+ uint16_t config;
uint16_t calibrationValue;
- /* uint64_t tmp; */
- Rshunt = CURRENT_SHUNT_RESISTENCE; // in milli ohms
+ vBusMax = 32000; // !!! Maximum input voltage only 26V !!!
+ vShuntMax = 80; // !! for shunt 10 mOhm and maximum 8A input current
- /*
- tmp = iMaxExpected * 1000UL;
- currentLSB = (uint16_t)((tmp + 16384) / 32768); // uA
- powerLSB = (uint16_t)(((tmp * 20) + 16384) / 32768); // uW
+ /** INA219 configure */
+ config = INA219_RESET_OFF; // INA219_RST
+ config |= INA219_RANGE_32V; // INA219_BVR
+ config |= INA219_GAIN_80MV; // INA219_PG
+ config |= INA219_BUS_RES_12BIT_128S; // INA219_BADC
+ config |= INA219_SHUNT_RES_12BIT_128S; //INA219_SADC
+ config |= INA219_MODE_SHUNT_BUS_CONT; //INA219_MODE
- tmp = ((tmp * rShuntValue * 1000UL) + 16384) / 32768UL;
- calibrationValue = (uint16_t)((40960000000UL + (tmp >> 1)) / tmp);
- */
+ i2c_wr_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CONFIG, config);
- * Íàõåð òàêèå ðàñ÷¸òû...
* ôîðìóëû èç ìàíóàëà:
* Current_LSB = Maximum Expected Current / 2^15
* Power_LSB = 20 * Current_LSB
* Calibration_Value = trunc( 0.04096 / (Current_LSB * Rshunt) )
+ currentLSB = 244; // 8000000 uA / 32768
+ powerLSB = 4880;
- /* íàãðóçêà 50Âò, ìàêñ òîê 4, øóíò ó íàñ 20 ìÎ,
- Çíà÷åíèÿ LSB â ìèêðîàìïåðàõ è ìèêðîâàòàõ äëÿ äàëüíåéøèõ ðàñ÷¸òîâ */
- currentLSB = 122; // 4000000 uA / 32768
- powerLSB = 2440;
- calibrationValue = 16777; // 0.04096 / ((4/32768) * 0.02)
+ calibrationValue = 16777; // 0.04096 / ((8/32768) * 0.01)
- I2C_Write_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CALIBRATION, calibrationValue);
+ i2c_wr_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CALIBRATION, calibrationValue);
/** */
uint16_t getMaxPossibleCurrent(void) {
- return (((1000 * vShuntMax) + (Rshunt>>1)) / Rshunt);
+ return (((1000 * vShuntMax) + (rShunt>>1)) / rShunt);
/** */
@@ -143,7 +85,7 @@ uint16_t getMaxCurrent(void) {
/** */
uint16_t getMaxShuntVoltage(void) {
- uint16_t maxVoltage = ((getMaxCurrent() * Rshunt) + 500) / 1000;
+ uint16_t maxVoltage = ((getMaxCurrent() * rShunt) + 500) / 1000;
if (maxVoltage >= vShuntMax) {
return vShuntMax;
@@ -162,7 +104,11 @@ uint16_t readBusCurrent(void) {
uint16_t current;
int16_t tmp;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CURRENT, (uint16_t *)&tmp);
+ status = i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CURRENT, (uint16_t *)&tmp);
+ if (status != I2C_SUCCESS) {
+ return 9999;
+ }
if (tmp < 0) {
tmp = - tmp;
@@ -174,7 +120,7 @@ uint16_t readBusCurrent(void) {
/** */
uint32_t readBusPower(void) {
uint16_t power;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_POWER, &power);
+ i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_POWER, &power);
return (((power * powerLSB) + 500) / 1000);
@@ -183,7 +129,10 @@ uint32_t readBusPower(void) {
int16_t readShuntVoltage(void) {
uint16_t shvolt;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_SHUNTVOLTAGE, &shvolt);
+ status = i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_SHUNTVOLTAGE, &shvolt);
+ if (status != I2C_SUCCESS) {
+ return 999;
+ }
return shvolt;
@@ -192,14 +141,29 @@ int16_t readShuntVoltage(void) {
uint16_t readBusVoltage(void) {
uint16_t volt;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, &volt);
+ flagCNVR = 0;
+ flagOVF = 0;
+ status = i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, &volt);
+ if (status != I2C_SUCCESS) {
+ return 65535;
+ }
+ if ((volt & 0x0001) != 0) {
+ flagOVF = 1;
+ }
+ if ((volt & 0x0002) != 0) {
+ flagCNVR = 1;
+ }
return ((volt >> 3) * 4);
ina219_bvr_t getRange(void) {
uint16_t value;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
+ i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
value &= 0x2000;
value >>= 13;
@@ -209,7 +173,7 @@ ina219_bvr_t getRange(void) {
ina219_pg_t getGain(void) {
uint16_t value;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
+ i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
value &= 0x1800;
value >>= 11;
@@ -219,7 +183,7 @@ ina219_pg_t getGain(void) {
ina219_badc_t getBusRes(void) {
uint16_t value;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
+ i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
value &= 0x0780;
value >>= 7;
@@ -229,7 +193,7 @@ ina219_badc_t getBusRes(void) {
ina219_sadc_t getShuntRes(void) {
uint16_t value;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
+ i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
value &= 0x0078;
value >>= 3;
@@ -239,7 +203,7 @@ ina219_sadc_t getShuntRes(void) {
ina219_mode_t getMode(void) {
uint16_t value;
- I2C_Read_Transaction(inaAddress, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
+ i2c_rd_reg(INA219_ADDRESS, INA219_REG_CONFIG, &value);
value &= 0x0007;
return (ina219_mode_t)value;