123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- /*
- * printf.h
- *
- * Created on: 08-02-2013
- * Author: andy
- * http://www.skybeeper.com/index.php/en/english-en/25-tighten-scanf
- */
- #ifndef PRINTF_H_
- #define PRINTF_H_
- //public function
- int printf_(const char *format, ...);
- int sprintf_(char *buffer, const char *format, ...);
- int rscanf(const char* format, ...);
- #endif /* PRINTF_H_ */
- /*
- +=============================================================================+
- | options
- +=============================================================================+
- */
- //#define INCLUDE_FLOAT // this enables float in printf() and costs you about 2kByte ROM
- //#define USE_DEBUG // this enables a Macro based on printf()
- #define PLL_FREQUENCY 24000000ul ///< desired target frequency of the core
- #define UART1_BAUDRATE 9600