123456789101112131415161718192021222324 |
- #####################################################################
- #### Please don't change this file. Use Makefile-user.mk instead ####
- #####################################################################
- # Including user Makefile.
- # Should be used to set project-specific parameters
- include ./Makefile-user.mk
- # Important parameters check.
- # We need to make sure SMING_HOME and ESP_HOME variables are set.
- # You can use Makefile-user.mk in each project or use enviromental variables to set it globally.
- ifndef SMING_HOME
- $(error SMING_HOME is not set. Please configure it in Makefile-user.mk)
- endif
- ifndef ESP_HOME
- $(error ESP_HOME is not set. Please configure it in Makefile-user.mk)
- endif
- # Include main Sming Makefile
- ifeq ($(RBOOT_ENABLED), 1)
- include $(SMING_HOME)/Makefile-rboot.mk
- else
- include $(SMING_HOME)/Makefile-project.mk
- endif