## Local build configuration ## Parameters configured here will override default and ENV values. ## Uncomment and change examples: ## Add your source directories here separated by space # MODULES = app # EXTRA_INCDIR = include ## ESP_HOME sets the path where ESP tools and SDK are located. ## Windows: # ESP_HOME = c:/Espressif ## MacOS / Linux: # ESP_HOME = /opt/esp-open-sdk ## SMING_HOME sets the path where Sming framework is located. ## Windows: # SMING_HOME = c:/tools/sming/Sming ## MacOS / Linux # SMING_HOME = /opt/sming/Sming ## COM port parameter is reqruied to flash firmware correctly. ## Windows: # COM_PORT = COM3 ## MacOS / Linux: # COM_PORT = /dev/tty.usbserial ## Com port speed # COM_SPEED = 115200 ## Configure flash parameters (for ESP12-E and other new boards): # SPI_MODE = dio ## SPIFFS options # DISABLE_SPIFFS = 1 SPIFF_FILES = web