/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm8s_clk.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V2.3.0 * @date 16-June-2017 * @brief This file contains all functions prototype and macros for the CLK peripheral. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __STM8S_CLK_H #define __STM8S_CLK_H /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Contains the description of all STM8 hardware registers */ #include "stm8s.h" /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup CLK_Exported_Types * @{ */ /** * @brief Switch Mode Auto, Manual. */ typedef enum { CLK_SWITCHMODE_MANUAL = (uint8_t)0x00, /*!< Enable the manual clock switching mode */ CLK_SWITCHMODE_AUTO = (uint8_t)0x01 /*!< Enable the automatic clock switching mode */ } CLK_SwitchMode_TypeDef; /** * @brief Current Clock State. */ typedef enum { CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_DISABLE = (uint8_t)0x00, /*!< Current clock disable */ CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_ENABLE = (uint8_t)0x01 /*!< Current clock enable */ } CLK_CurrentClockState_TypeDef; /** * @brief Clock security system configuration. */ typedef enum { CLK_CSSCONFIG_ENABLEWITHIT = (uint8_t)0x05, /*!< Enable CSS with detection interrupt */ CLK_CSSCONFIG_ENABLE = (uint8_t)0x01, /*!< Enable CSS without detection interrupt */ CLK_CSSCONFIG_DISABLE = (uint8_t)0x00 /*!< Leave CSS desactivated (to be used in CLK_Init() function) */ } CLK_CSSConfig_TypeDef; /** * @brief CLK Clock Source. */ typedef enum { CLK_SOURCE_HSI = (uint8_t)0xE1, /*!< Clock Source HSI. */ CLK_SOURCE_LSI = (uint8_t)0xD2, /*!< Clock Source LSI. */ CLK_SOURCE_HSE = (uint8_t)0xB4 /*!< Clock Source HSE. */ } CLK_Source_TypeDef; /** * @brief CLK HSI Calibration Value. */ typedef enum { CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_0 = (uint8_t)0x00, /*!< HSI Calibration Value 0 */ CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_1 = (uint8_t)0x01, /*!< HSI Calibration Value 1 */ CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_2 = (uint8_t)0x02, /*!< HSI Calibration Value 2 */ CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_3 = (uint8_t)0x03, /*!< HSI Calibration Value 3 */ CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_4 = (uint8_t)0x04, /*!< HSI Calibration Value 4 */ CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_5 = (uint8_t)0x05, /*!< HSI Calibration Value 5 */ CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_6 = (uint8_t)0x06, /*!< HSI Calibration Value 6 */ CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_7 = (uint8_t)0x07 /*!< HSI Calibration Value 7 */ } CLK_HSITrimValue_TypeDef; /** * @brief CLK Clock Output */ typedef enum { CLK_OUTPUT_HSI = (uint8_t)0x00, /*!< Clock Output HSI */ CLK_OUTPUT_LSI = (uint8_t)0x02, /*!< Clock Output LSI */ CLK_OUTPUT_HSE = (uint8_t)0x04, /*!< Clock Output HSE */ CLK_OUTPUT_CPU = (uint8_t)0x08, /*!< Clock Output CPU */ CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV2 = (uint8_t)0x0A, /*!< Clock Output CPU/2 */ CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV4 = (uint8_t)0x0C, /*!< Clock Output CPU/4 */ CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV8 = (uint8_t)0x0E, /*!< Clock Output CPU/8 */ CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV16 = (uint8_t)0x10, /*!< Clock Output CPU/16 */ CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV32 = (uint8_t)0x12, /*!< Clock Output CPU/32 */ CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV64 = (uint8_t)0x14, /*!< Clock Output CPU/64 */ CLK_OUTPUT_HSIRC = (uint8_t)0x16, /*!< Clock Output HSI RC */ CLK_OUTPUT_MASTER = (uint8_t)0x18, /*!< Clock Output Master */ CLK_OUTPUT_OTHERS = (uint8_t)0x1A /*!< Clock Output OTHER */ } CLK_Output_TypeDef; /** * @brief CLK Enable peripheral */ /* Elements values convention: 0xXY X = choice between the peripheral registers X = 0 : PCKENR1 X = 1 : PCKENR2 Y = Peripheral position in the register */ typedef enum { CLK_PERIPHERAL_I2C = (uint8_t)0x00, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, I2C */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_SPI = (uint8_t)0x01, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, SPI */ #if defined(STM8S208) || defined(STM8S207) || defined(STM8S007) || defined(STM8AF52Ax) || defined(STM8AF62Ax) CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART1 = (uint8_t)0x02, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, UART1 */ #else CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART1 = (uint8_t)0x03, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, UART1 */ #endif CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART2 = (uint8_t)0x03, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, UART2 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART3 = (uint8_t)0x03, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, UART3 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER6 = (uint8_t)0x04, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, Timer6 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER4 = (uint8_t)0x04, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, Timer4 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER5 = (uint8_t)0x05, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, Timer5 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER2 = (uint8_t)0x05, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, Timer2 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER3 = (uint8_t)0x06, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, Timer3 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER1 = (uint8_t)0x07, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 1, Timer1 */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_AWU = (uint8_t)0x12, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 2, AWU */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_ADC = (uint8_t)0x13, /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 2, ADC */ CLK_PERIPHERAL_CAN = (uint8_t)0x17 /*!< Peripheral Clock Enable 2, CAN */ } CLK_Peripheral_TypeDef; /** * @brief CLK Flags. */ /* Elements values convention: 0xXZZ X = choice between the flags registers X = 1 : ICKR X = 2 : ECKR X = 3 : SWCR X = 4 : CSSR X = 5 : CCOR ZZ = flag mask in the register (same as map file) */ typedef enum { CLK_FLAG_LSIRDY = (uint16_t)0x0110, /*!< Low speed internal oscillator ready Flag */ CLK_FLAG_HSIRDY = (uint16_t)0x0102, /*!< High speed internal oscillator ready Flag */ CLK_FLAG_HSERDY = (uint16_t)0x0202, /*!< High speed external oscillator ready Flag */ CLK_FLAG_SWIF = (uint16_t)0x0308, /*!< Clock switch interrupt Flag */ CLK_FLAG_SWBSY = (uint16_t)0x0301, /*!< Switch busy Flag */ CLK_FLAG_CSSD = (uint16_t)0x0408, /*!< Clock security system detection Flag */ CLK_FLAG_AUX = (uint16_t)0x0402, /*!< Auxiliary oscillator connected to master clock */ CLK_FLAG_CCOBSY = (uint16_t)0x0504, /*!< Configurable clock output busy */ CLK_FLAG_CCORDY = (uint16_t)0x0502 /*!< Configurable clock output ready */ }CLK_Flag_TypeDef; /** * @brief CLK interrupt configuration and Flags cleared by software. */ typedef enum { CLK_IT_CSSD = (uint8_t)0x0C, /*!< Clock security system detection Flag */ CLK_IT_SWIF = (uint8_t)0x1C /*!< Clock switch interrupt Flag */ }CLK_IT_TypeDef; /** * @brief CLK Clock Divisor. */ /* Warning: 0xxxxxx = HSI divider 1xxxxxx = CPU divider Other bits correspond to the divider's bits mapping */ typedef enum { CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV1 = (uint8_t)0x00, /*!< High speed internal clock prescaler: 1 */ CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV2 = (uint8_t)0x08, /*!< High speed internal clock prescaler: 2 */ CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV4 = (uint8_t)0x10, /*!< High speed internal clock prescaler: 4 */ CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV8 = (uint8_t)0x18, /*!< High speed internal clock prescaler: 8 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV1 = (uint8_t)0x80, /*!< CPU clock division factors 1 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV2 = (uint8_t)0x81, /*!< CPU clock division factors 2 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV4 = (uint8_t)0x82, /*!< CPU clock division factors 4 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV8 = (uint8_t)0x83, /*!< CPU clock division factors 8 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV16 = (uint8_t)0x84, /*!< CPU clock division factors 16 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV32 = (uint8_t)0x85, /*!< CPU clock division factors 32 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV64 = (uint8_t)0x86, /*!< CPU clock division factors 64 */ CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV128 = (uint8_t)0x87 /*!< CPU clock division factors 128 */ } CLK_Prescaler_TypeDef; /** * @brief SWIM Clock divider. */ typedef enum { CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_2 = (uint8_t)0x00, /*!< SWIM clock is divided by 2 */ CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_OTHER = (uint8_t)0x01 /*!< SWIM clock is not divided by 2 */ }CLK_SWIMDivider_TypeDef; /** * @} */ /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup CLK_Exported_Constants * @{ */ #define CLK_TIMEOUT ((uint16_t)0xFFFF) /*!< Max Timeout for the clock switch operation. */ /** * @} */ /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup CLK_Private_Macros * @{ */ /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different functions parameters. */ /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the clock switching modes. */ #define IS_CLK_SWITCHMODE_OK(MODE) (((MODE) == CLK_SWITCHMODE_MANUAL) || ((MODE) == CLK_SWITCHMODE_AUTO)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the current clock state. */ #define IS_CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_OK(STATE) (((STATE) == CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_DISABLE) ||\ ((STATE) == CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_ENABLE)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the CSS configuration. */ #define IS_CLK_CSSCONFIG_OK(CSSVALUE) (((CSSVALUE) == CLK_CSSCONFIG_ENABLEWITHIT) ||\ ((CSSVALUE) == CLK_CSSCONFIG_ENABLE) ||\ ((CSSVALUE) == CLK_CSSCONFIG_DISABLE)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different clock sources. */ #define IS_CLK_SOURCE_OK(SOURCE) (((SOURCE) == CLK_SOURCE_HSI) ||\ ((SOURCE) == CLK_SOURCE_LSI) ||\ ((SOURCE) == CLK_SOURCE_HSE)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different HSI trimming values. */ #define IS_CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_OK(TRIMVALUE) (((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_0) ||\ ((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_1) ||\ ((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_2) ||\ ((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_3) ||\ ((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_4) ||\ ((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_5) ||\ ((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_6) ||\ ((TRIMVALUE) == CLK_HSITRIMVALUE_7)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different clocks to output. */ #define IS_CLK_OUTPUT_OK(OUTPUT) (((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_HSI) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_HSE) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_LSI) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_CPU) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV2) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV4) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV8) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV16) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV32) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_CPUDIV64) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_HSIRC) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_MASTER) ||\ ((OUTPUT) == CLK_OUTPUT_OTHERS)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different peripheral's clock. */ #define IS_CLK_PERIPHERAL_OK(PERIPHERAL) (((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_I2C) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_SPI) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART3) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART2) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART1) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER4) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER2) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER5) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER6) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER3) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER1) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_CAN) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_ADC) ||\ ((PERIPHERAL) == CLK_PERIPHERAL_AWU)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different clock flags. */ #define IS_CLK_FLAG_OK(FLAG) (((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_LSIRDY) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_HSIRDY) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_HSERDY) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_SWIF) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_SWBSY) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_CSSD) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_AUX) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_CCOBSY) ||\ ((FLAG) == CLK_FLAG_CCORDY)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different clock IT pending bits. */ #define IS_CLK_IT_OK(IT) (((IT) == CLK_IT_CSSD) || ((IT) == CLK_IT_SWIF)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different HSI prescaler values. */ #define IS_CLK_HSIPRESCALER_OK(PRESCALER) (((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV1) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV2) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV4) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV8)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different clock prescaler values. */ #define IS_CLK_PRESCALER_OK(PRESCALER) (((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV1) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV2) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV4) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_HSIDIV8) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV1) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV2) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV4) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV8) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV16) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV32) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV64) ||\ ((PRESCALER) == CLK_PRESCALER_CPUDIV128)) /** * @brief Macros used by the assert function in order to check the different SWIM dividers values. */ #define IS_CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_OK(SWIMDIVIDER) (((SWIMDIVIDER) == CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_2) || ((SWIMDIVIDER) == CLK_SWIMDIVIDER_OTHER)) /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup CLK_Exported_functions * @{ */ void CLK_DeInit(void); void CLK_HSECmd(FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_HSICmd(FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_LSICmd(FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_CCOCmd(FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_ClockSwitchCmd(FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_FastHaltWakeUpCmd(FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_SlowActiveHaltWakeUpCmd(FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_TypeDef CLK_Peripheral, FunctionalState NewState); ErrorStatus CLK_ClockSwitchConfig(CLK_SwitchMode_TypeDef CLK_SwitchMode, CLK_Source_TypeDef CLK_NewClock, FunctionalState ITState, CLK_CurrentClockState_TypeDef CLK_CurrentClockState); void CLK_HSIPrescalerConfig(CLK_Prescaler_TypeDef HSIPrescaler); void CLK_CCOConfig(CLK_Output_TypeDef CLK_CCO); void CLK_ITConfig(CLK_IT_TypeDef CLK_IT, FunctionalState NewState); void CLK_SYSCLKConfig(CLK_Prescaler_TypeDef CLK_Prescaler); void CLK_SWIMConfig(CLK_SWIMDivider_TypeDef CLK_SWIMDivider); void CLK_ClockSecuritySystemEnable(void); void CLK_SYSCLKEmergencyClear(void); void CLK_AdjustHSICalibrationValue(CLK_HSITrimValue_TypeDef CLK_HSICalibrationValue); uint32_t CLK_GetClockFreq(void); CLK_Source_TypeDef CLK_GetSYSCLKSource(void); FlagStatus CLK_GetFlagStatus(CLK_Flag_TypeDef CLK_FLAG); ITStatus CLK_GetITStatus(CLK_IT_TypeDef CLK_IT); void CLK_ClearITPendingBit(CLK_IT_TypeDef CLK_IT); /** * @} */ #endif /* __STM8S_CLK_H */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/