/** ****************************************************************************** * @file i2c_master_poll.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V0.0.3 * @date Oct 2010 * @brief This file contains optimized drivers for I2C master ****************************************************************************** * @copy * * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. * *

© COPYRIGHT 2009 STMicroelectronics

*/ #include "i2c_master_poll.h" /* Таймаут ожидания события I2C */ extern __IO uint8_t I2C_timeout; /* flag clearing sequence - uncoment next for peripheral clock under 2MHz */ #define dead_time() { /* _asm("nop"); _asm("nop"); */ } #define tout() (I2C_timeout) #define set_tout_ms(a) { I2C_timeout = a; } /****************************************************************************** * Function name : I2C_Init * Description : Initialize I2C peripheral * Input param : None * Return : None * See also : None *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_Init(void) { //define SDA, SCL outputs, HiZ, Open drain, Fast GPIOB->ODR |= (GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5); GPIOB->DDR |= (GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5); GPIOB->CR2 |= (GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5); #ifdef FAST_I2C_MODE I2C->FREQR = 16; // input clock to I2C - 16MHz I2C->CCRL = 15; // 900/62.5= 15, (SCLhi must be at least 600+300=900ns!) I2C->CCRH = 0x80; // fast mode, duty 2/1 (bus speed 62.5*3*15~356kHz) I2C->TRISER = 5; // 300/62.5 + 1= 5 (maximum 300ns) #else I2C->FREQR = 8; // input clock to I2C - 8MHz I2C->CCRL = 40; // CCR= 40 - (SCLhi must be at least 4000+1000=5000ns!) I2C->CCRH = 0; // standard mode, duty 1/1 bus speed 100kHz I2C->TRISER = 9; // 1000ns/(125ns) + 1 (maximum 1000ns) #endif I2C->OARL = 0xA0; // own address A0; I2C->OARH |= 0x40; I2C->ITR = 1; // enable error interrupts I2C->CR2 |= 0x04; // ACK=1, Ack enable I2C->CR1 |= 0x01; // PE=1 } /****************************************************************************** * Function name : I2C_ReadRegister * Description : Read defined number bytes from slave memory starting with defined offset * Input param : offset in slave memory, number of bytes to read, starting address to store received data * Return : None * See also : None *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_ReadRegister(u8 u8_regAddr, u8 u8_NumByteToRead, u8 *ReadBuffer) { /*--------------- BUSY? -> STOP request ---------------------*/ while(I2C->SR3 & I2C_SR3_BUSY && tout()) // Wait while the bus is busy { I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // Generate stop here (STOP=1) while(I2C->CR2 & I2C_CR2_STOP && tout()); // Wait until stop is performed } I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_ACK; // ACK=1, Ack enable /*--------------- Start communication -----------------------*/ I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_START; // START=1, generate start while((I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB)==0 && tout()); // Wait for start bit detection (SB) /*------------------ Address send ---------------------------*/ if(tout()) { I2C->DR = (u8)(SLAVE_ADDRESS << 1); // Send 7-bit device address & Write (R/W = 0) } while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR) && tout()); // test EV6 - wait for address ack (ADDR) dead_time(); // ADDR clearing sequence I2C->SR3; /*--------------- Register/Command send ----------------------*/ while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_TXE) && tout()); // Wait for TxE if(tout()) { I2C->DR = u8_regAddr; // Send register address } // Wait for TxE & BTF while((I2C->SR1 & (I2C_SR1_TXE | I2C_SR1_BTF)) != (I2C_SR1_TXE | I2C_SR1_BTF) && tout()); dead_time(); // clearing sequence /*-------------- Stop/Restart communication -------------------*/ #ifdef NO_RESTART // if 7bit address and NO_RESTART setted I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // STOP=1, generate stop while(I2C->CR2 & I2C_CR2_STOP && tout()); // wait until stop is performed #endif // NO_RESTART /*--------------- Restart communication ---------------------*/ I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_START; // START=1, generate re-start while((I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB)==0 && tout()); // Wait for start bit detection (SB) /*------------------ Address send ---------------------------*/ if(tout()) { I2C->DR = (u8)(SLAVE_ADDRESS << 1) | 1; // Send 7-bit device address & Write (R/W = 1) } while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR) && tout()); // Wait for address ack (ADDR) /*------------------- Data Receive --------------------------*/ if (u8_NumByteToRead > 2) // *** more than 2 bytes are received? *** { I2C->SR3; // ADDR clearing sequence while(u8_NumByteToRead > 3 && tout()) // not last three bytes? { while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF) && tout()); // Wait for BTF *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Reading next data byte --u8_NumByteToRead; // Decrease Numbyte to reade by 1 } //last three bytes should be read while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF) && tout()); // Wait for BTF I2C->CR2 &=~I2C_CR2_ACK; // Clear ACK disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 1st byte I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // Generate stop here (STOP=1) *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 2nd byte enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) && tout()); // Wait for RXNE *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 3rd Data byte } else { if(u8_NumByteToRead == 2) // *** just two bytes are received? *** { I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_POS; // Set POS bit (NACK at next received byte) disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) I2C->SR3; // Clear ADDR Flag I2C->CR2 &=~I2C_CR2_ACK; // Clear ACK enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF) && tout()); // Wait for BTF disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // Generate stop here (STOP=1) *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 1st Data byte enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) *ReadBuffer = I2C->DR; // Read 2nd Data byte } else // *** only one byte is received *** { I2C->CR2 &=~I2C_CR2_ACK;; // Clear ACK disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) I2C->SR3; // Clear ADDR Flag I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // generate stop here (STOP=1) enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) && tout()); // test EV7, wait for RxNE *ReadBuffer = I2C->DR; // Read Data byte } } /*--------------- All Data Received -----------------------*/ while((I2C->CR2 & I2C_CR2_STOP) && tout()); // Wait until stop is performed (STOPF = 1) I2C->CR2 &=~I2C_CR2_POS; // return POS to default state (POS=0) } /****************************************************************************** * Function name : I2C_WriteRegister * Description : write defined number bytes to slave memory starting with defined offset * Input param : offset in slave memory, number of bytes to write, starting address to send * Return : None. * See also : None. *******************************************************************************/ void I2C_WriteRegister(u8 u8_regAddr, u8 u8_NumByteToWrite, u8 *ReadBuffer) { while((I2C->SR3 & 2) && tout()) // Wait while the bus is busy { I2C->CR2 |= 2; // STOP=1, generate stop while((I2C->CR2 & 2) && tout()); // wait until stop is performed } I2C->CR2 |= 1; // START=1, generate start while(((I2C->SR1 & 1)==0) && tout()); // Wait for start bit detection (SB) dead_time(); // SB clearing sequence if(tout()) { I2C->DR = (u8)(SLAVE_ADDRESS << 1); // Send 7-bit device address & Write (R/W = 0) } while(!(I2C->SR1 & 2) && tout()); // Wait for address ack (ADDR) dead_time(); // ADDR clearing sequence I2C->SR3; while(!(I2C->SR1 & 0x80) && tout()); // Wait for TxE if(tout()) { I2C->DR = u8_regAddr; // send Offset command } if(u8_NumByteToWrite) { while(u8_NumByteToWrite--) { // write data loop start while(!(I2C->SR1 & 0x80) && tout()); // test EV8 - wait for TxE I2C->DR = *ReadBuffer++; // send next data byte } // write data loop end } while(((I2C->SR1 & 0x84) != 0x84) && tout()); // Wait for TxE & BTF dead_time(); // clearing sequence I2C->CR2 |= 2; // generate stop here (STOP=1) while((I2C->CR2 & 2) && tout()); // wait until stop is performed } /** * @brief * * @param NumByteToRead * @param ReadBuffer */ void I2C_ReadBytes(const u8 Addr, const u8 NumByteToRead, u8 *ReadBuffer) { u8 adr = Addr << 1; u8 n = NumByteToRead; set_tout_ms(10); /*--------------- BUSY? -> STOP request ---------------------*/ while(I2C->SR3 & I2C_SR3_BUSY && tout()) // Wait while the bus is busy { I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // Generate stop here (STOP=1) while(I2C->CR2 & I2C_CR2_STOP && tout()); // Wait until stop is performed } I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_ACK; // ACK=1, Ack enable /*--------------- Start communication -----------------------*/ I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_START; // START=1, generate start while((I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB)==0 && tout()); // Wait for start bit detection (SB) /*------------------ Address send ---------------------------*/ if(tout()) { I2C->DR = (adr | 1); // Send 7-bit device address & Write (R/W = 1) } while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR) && tout()); // Wait for address ack (ADDR) /*------------------- Data Receive --------------------------*/ if (n > 2) // *** more than 2 bytes are received? *** { I2C->SR3; // ADDR clearing sequence while(n > 3 && tout()) // not last three bytes? { while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF) && tout()); // Wait for BTF *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Reading next data byte --n; // Decrease Numbyte to reade by 1 } //last three bytes should be read while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF) && tout()); // Wait for BTF I2C->CR2 &=~I2C_CR2_ACK; // Clear ACK disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 1st byte I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // Generate stop here (STOP=1) *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 2nd byte enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) && tout()); // Wait for RXNE *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 3rd Data byte } else { if(n == 2) // *** just two bytes are received? *** { I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_POS; // Set POS bit (NACK at next received byte) disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) I2C->SR3; // Clear ADDR Flag I2C->CR2 &=~I2C_CR2_ACK; // Clear ACK enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF) && tout()); // Wait for BTF disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // Generate stop here (STOP=1) *ReadBuffer++ = I2C->DR; // Read 1st Data byte enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) *ReadBuffer = I2C->DR; // Read 2nd Data byte } else // *** only one byte is received *** { I2C->CR2 &=~I2C_CR2_ACK;; // Clear ACK disableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Disable interrupt) I2C->SR3; // Clear ADDR Flag I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP; // generate stop here (STOP=1) enableInterrupts(); // Errata workaround (Enable interrupt) while(!(I2C->SR1 & I2C_SR1_RXNE) && tout()); // test EV7, wait for RxNE *ReadBuffer = I2C->DR; // Read Data byte } } /*--------------- All Data Received -----------------------*/ while((I2C->CR2 & I2C_CR2_STOP) && tout()); // Wait until stop is performed (STOPF = 1) I2C->CR2 &= ~I2C_CR2_POS; // return POS to default state (POS=0) } /** * @brief write defined number bytes to slave device * * @param Addr * @param NumByteToWrite * @param DataBuffer */ void I2C_WriteBytes(const u8 Addr, const u8 NumByteToWrite, u8 *DataBuffer) { u8 adr = Addr << 1; u8 n = NumByteToWrite; set_tout_ms(10); while((I2C->SR3 & 2) && tout()) // Wait while the bus is busy { I2C->CR2 |= 2; // STOP=1, generate stop while((I2C->CR2 & 2) && tout()); // wait until stop is performed } I2C->CR2 |= 1; // START=1, generate start while(((I2C->SR1 & 1)==0) && tout()); // Wait for start bit detection (SB) dead_time(); // SB clearing sequence if(tout()) { I2C->DR = adr; // Send 7-bit device address & Write (R/W = 0) } while(!(I2C->SR1 & 2) && tout()); // Wait for address ack (ADDR) dead_time(); // ADDR clearing sequence I2C->SR3; if(n) { while(n--) { // write data loop start while(!(I2C->SR1 & 0x80) && tout()); // test EV8 - wait for TxE I2C->DR = *DataBuffer++; // send next data byte } // write data loop end } while(((I2C->SR1 & 0x84) != 0x84) && tout()); // Wait for TxE & BTF dead_time(); // clearing sequence I2C->CR2 |= 2; // generate stop here (STOP=1) while((I2C->CR2 & 2) && tout()); // wait until stop is performed }