* @file stm8l15x_syscfg.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.6.1
* @date 30-September-2014
* @brief This file contains all the functions prototypes for the SYSCFG firmware
* library.
* @attention
© COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics
* Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM8L15x_SYSCFG_H
#define __STM8L15x_SYSCFG_H
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm8l15x.h"
/** @addtogroup STM8L15x_StdPeriph_Driver
* @{
/** @addtogroup SYSCFG
* @{
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup SYSCFG_Exported_Types
* @{
/** @defgroup RI_Input_Capture
* @{
typedef enum
RI_InputCapture_IC2 = ((uint8_t) 0x02), /*!< TIM1 Input Capture 2 is routed */
RI_InputCapture_IC3 = ((uint8_t) 0x03) /*!< TIM1 Input Capture 3 is routed */
* @}
/** @defgroup RI_Input_Capture_Routing
* @{
typedef enum
RI_InputCaptureRouting_0 = ((uint8_t) 0x00), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PD4, IC3 to PD5 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_1 = ((uint8_t) 0x01), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PF0, IC3 to PF1 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_2 = ((uint8_t) 0x02), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PF2, IC3 to PF3 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_3 = ((uint8_t) 0x03), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PE0, IC3 to PE1 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_4 = ((uint8_t) 0x04), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PE2, IC3 to PE3 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_5 = ((uint8_t) 0x05), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PE4, IC3 to PE5 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_6 = ((uint8_t) 0x06), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PE6, IC3 to PE7 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_7 = ((uint8_t) 0x07), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PD0, IC3 to PD1 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_8 = ((uint8_t) 0x08), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PD2, IC3 to PD3 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_9 = ((uint8_t) 0x09), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PD4, IC3 to PD5 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_10 = ((uint8_t) 0x0A), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PD6, IC3 to PD7 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_11 = ((uint8_t) 0x0B), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PC0, IC3 to PC1 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_12 = ((uint8_t) 0x0C), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PC2, IC3 to PC3 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_13 = ((uint8_t) 0x0D), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PC4, IC3 to PC5 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_14 = ((uint8_t) 0x0E), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PC6, IC3 to PC7 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_15 = ((uint8_t) 0x0F), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PB0, IC3 to PB1 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_16 = ((uint8_t) 0x10), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PB2, IC3 to PB3 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_17 = ((uint8_t) 0x11), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PB4, IC3 to PB5 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_18 = ((uint8_t) 0x12), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PB6, IC3 to PB7 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_19 = ((uint8_t) 0x13), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PA0, IC3 to PA2 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_20 = ((uint8_t) 0x14), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PA3, IC3 to PA4 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_21 = ((uint8_t) 0x15), /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PA5, IC3 to PA6 */
RI_InputCaptureRouting_22 = ((uint8_t) 0x16) /*!< TIM1 IC2 is routed to PA7, IC3 to PD5 */
* @}
/** @defgroup RI_Analog_Switch
* @{
* @brief Definition of the Analog Switch to be controlled.
* Values are coded in 0xXY format where
* X: the register index (1: RI_ASCR1, 2: RI_ASCR2)
* Y: the bit position which corresponds with the Analog Switch
typedef enum
RI_AnalogSwitch_0 = ((uint8_t) 0x10), /*!< Analog switch 0 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_1 = ((uint8_t) 0x11), /*!< Analog switch 1 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_2 = ((uint8_t) 0x12), /*!< Analog switch 2 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_3 = ((uint8_t) 0x13), /*!< Analog switch 3 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_4 = ((uint8_t) 0x14), /*!< Analog switch 4 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_5 = ((uint8_t) 0x15), /*!< Analog switch 5 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_6 = ((uint8_t) 0x16), /*!< Analog switch 6 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_7 = ((uint8_t) 0x17), /*!< Analog switch 7 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_8 = ((uint8_t) 0x20), /*!< Analog switch 8 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_9 = ((uint8_t) 0x21), /*!< Analog switch 9 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_10 = ((uint8_t) 0x22), /*!< Analog switch 10 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_11 = ((uint8_t) 0x23), /*!< Analog switch 11 */
RI_AnalogSwitch_14 = ((uint8_t) 0x26) /*!< Analog switch 14 */
* @}
/** @defgroup RI_IO_Switch
* @{
* @brief Definition of the I/O Switch to be controlled.
* Values are coded in 0xXY format where
* X: the register index (1: RI_IOSR1, 2: RI_IOSR2, 3: RI_IOSR3 or 4: RI_IOSR4)
* Y: the bit index of the Input Output Switch in RI_IOSRx register
typedef enum
RI_IOSwitch_1 = ((uint8_t) 0x10), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 1 */
RI_IOSwitch_2 = ((uint8_t) 0x20), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 2 */
RI_IOSwitch_3 = ((uint8_t) 0x30), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 3 */
RI_IOSwitch_4 = ((uint8_t) 0x11), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 4 */
RI_IOSwitch_5 = ((uint8_t) 0x21), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 4 */
RI_IOSwitch_6 = ((uint8_t) 0x31), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 6 */
RI_IOSwitch_7 = ((uint8_t) 0x12), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 7 */
RI_IOSwitch_8 = ((uint8_t) 0x22), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 8 */
RI_IOSwitch_9 = ((uint8_t) 0x32), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 9 */
RI_IOSwitch_10 = ((uint8_t) 0x13), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 10 */
RI_IOSwitch_11 = ((uint8_t) 0x23), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 11 */
RI_IOSwitch_12 = ((uint8_t) 0x33), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 12 */
RI_IOSwitch_13 = ((uint8_t) 0x14), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 13 */
RI_IOSwitch_14 = ((uint8_t) 0x24), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 14 */
RI_IOSwitch_15 = ((uint8_t) 0x34), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 15 */
RI_IOSwitch_16 = ((uint8_t) 0x15), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 16 */
RI_IOSwitch_17 = ((uint8_t) 0x25), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 17 */
RI_IOSwitch_18 = ((uint8_t) 0x35), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 18 */
RI_IOSwitch_19 = ((uint8_t) 0x16), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 19 */
RI_IOSwitch_20 = ((uint8_t) 0x26), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 20 */
RI_IOSwitch_21 = ((uint8_t) 0x36), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 21 */
RI_IOSwitch_22 = ((uint8_t) 0x17), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 22 */
RI_IOSwitch_23 = ((uint8_t) 0x27), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 23 */
RI_IOSwitch_24 = ((uint8_t) 0x37), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 24 */
RI_IOSwitch_26 = ((uint8_t) 0x41), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 26 */
RI_IOSwitch_27 = ((uint8_t) 0x46), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 27 */
RI_IOSwitch_28 = ((uint8_t) 0x47), /*!< Input Output Switch switch 28 */
RI_IOSwitch_29 = ((uint8_t) 0x40) /*!< Input Output Switch switch 29 */
* @}
/** @defgroup RI_Resistor
* @{
* @brief Definition of the pull-up and pull-down resistors for COMP1 and ADC.
typedef enum
RI_Resistor_10KPU = ((uint8_t) 0x01),
RI_Resistor_400KPU = ((uint8_t) 0x02),
RI_Resistor_10KPD = ((uint8_t) 0x04),
RI_Resistor_400KPD = ((uint8_t) 0x08)
* @}
/** @defgroup REMAP_Pin
* @{
* @brief Definition of the REMAP pins.
* Elements values convention: 0xXY
* X = RMPCRx registers index
* X = 0x01 : RMPCR1
* X = 0x02 : RMPCR2
* X = 0x03 : RMPCR3
* Y = Mask for setting/resetting bits in RMPCRx register
typedef enum
/* RMPCR1 register bits */
REMAP_Pin_USART1TxRxPortA = ((uint16_t)0x011C), /*!< USART1 Tx- Rx (PC3- PC2) remapping to PA2- PA3 */
REMAP_Pin_USART1TxRxPortC = ((uint16_t)0x012C), /*!< USART1 Tx- Rx (PC3- PC2) remapping to PC5- PC6 */
REMAP_Pin_USART1Clk = ((uint16_t)0x014B), /*!< USART1 CK (PC4) remapping to PA0 */
REMAP_Pin_SPI1Full = ((uint16_t)0x0187), /*!< SPI1 MISO- MOSI- SCK- NSS(PB7- PB6- PB5- PB4)
remapping to PA2- PA3- PC6- PC5 */
/* RMPCR2 register bits */
REMAP_Pin_ADC1ExtTRIG1 = ((uint16_t)0x0201), /*!< ADC1 External Trigger 1 (PA6) remapping to PD0 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM2TRIGPortA = ((uint16_t)0x0202), /*!< TIM2 Trigger (PB3) remapping to PA4 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM3TRIGPortA = ((uint16_t)0x0204), /*!< TIM3 Trigger (PD1) remapping to PA5 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM2TRIGLSE = ((uint16_t)0x0208), /*!< TIM2 Trigger remapping to LSE */
REMAP_Pin_TIM3TRIGLSE = ((uint16_t)0x0210), /*!< TIM3 Trigger remapping to LSE */
REMAP_Pin_SPI2Full = ((uint16_t)0x0220), /*!< SPI2 MISO- MOSI- SCK- NSS(PG7- PG6- PG5- PG4)
remapping to PI3- PI2- PI1- PI0 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM3TRIGPortG = ((uint16_t)0x0240), /*!< TIM3 Trigger (PD1) remapping to PG3 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM23BKIN = ((uint16_t)0x0280), /*!< TIM2 Break Input (PA4) remapping to PG0
and TIM3 Break Input (PA5) remapping to PG1 */
/* RMPCR3 register bits */
REMAP_Pin_SPI1PortF = ((uint16_t)0x0301), /*!< SPI1 MISO- MOSI- SCK- NSS(PB7- PB6- PB5- PB4)
remapping to PF0- PF1- PF2- PF3 */
REMAP_Pin_USART3TxRxPortF = ((uint16_t)0x0302), /*!< USART3 Tx- Rx (PG1- PG0) remapping to PF0- PF1 */
REMAP_Pin_USART3Clk = ((uint16_t)0x0304), /*!< USART3 CK (PG2) remapping to PF2 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM3Channel1 = ((uint16_t)0x0308), /*!< TIM3 Channel 1 (PB1) remapping to PI0 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM3Channel2 = ((uint16_t)0x0310), /*!< TIM3 Channel 2 (PD0) remapping to PI3 */
REMAP_Pin_CCO = ((uint16_t)0x0320), /*!< CCO (PC4) remapping to PE2 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM2Channel1 = ((uint16_t)0x0340), /*!< TIM2 Channel 1 (PB0) remapping to PC5 */
REMAP_Pin_TIM2Channel2 = ((uint16_t)0x0380) /*!< TIM2 Channel 2 (PB2) remapping to PC6 */
* @}
/** @defgroup REMAP_DMA_Channel
* @{
typedef enum
REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel0 = ((uint8_t)0x00), /*!< ADC1 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 0 */
REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel1 = ((uint8_t)0x01), /*!< ADC1 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 1 */
REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel2 = ((uint8_t)0x02), /*!< ADC1 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 2 */
REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel3 = ((uint8_t)0x03), /*!< ADC1 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 3 */
REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel0 = ((uint8_t)0xF0), /*!< TIM4 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 0 */
REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel1 = ((uint8_t)0xF4), /*!< TIM4 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 1 */
REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel2 = ((uint8_t)0xF8), /*!< TIM4 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 2 */
REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel3 = ((uint8_t)0xFC) /*!< TIM4 DMA1 req/ack mapped on DMA1 channel 3 */
* @}
* @}
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup SYSCFG_Exported_Macros
* @{
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* values of @ref RI_InputCaptureTypeDef enum.
#define IS_RI_INPUTCAPTURE(RI_IC) (((RI_IC) == RI_InputCapture_IC2) || \
((RI_IC) == RI_InputCapture_IC3))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* values of @ref RI_InputCaptureRoutingTypeDef enum.
#define IS_RI_INPUTCAPTUREROUTING(RI_IC_ROUTING) (((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_0) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_1) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_2) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_3) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_4) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_5) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_6) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_7) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_8) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_9) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_10) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_11) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_12) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_13) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_14) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_15) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_16) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_17) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_18) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_19) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_20) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_21) || \
((RI_IC_ROUTING) == RI_InputCaptureRouting_22))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* values of @ref RI_AnalogSwitch_TypeDef enum.
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_1) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_2) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_3) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_4) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_5) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_6) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_7) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_8) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_9) || \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_10)|| \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_11)|| \
((RI_ANALOGSWITCH) == RI_AnalogSwitch_14))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* values of @ref RI_IOSwitch_TypeDef enum.
#define IS_RI_IOSWITCH(RI_IOSWITCH) (((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_1) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_2) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_3) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_4) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_5) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_6) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_7) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_8) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_9) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_10) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_11) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_12) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_13) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_14) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_15) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_16) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_17) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_18) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_19) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_20) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_21) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_22) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_23) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_24) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_26) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_27) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_28) || \
((RI_IOSWITCH) == RI_IOSwitch_29))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* values of @ref RI_ResistorTypeDef enum.
#define IS_RI_RESISTOR(RI_RESISTOR) (((RI_RESISTOR) == RI_Resistor_10KPU) || \
((RI_RESISTOR) == RI_Resistor_400KPU) || \
((RI_RESISTOR) == RI_Resistor_10KPD) || \
((RI_RESISTOR) == RI_Resistor_400KPD))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* values of @ref REMAP_Pin_TypeDef enum.
#define IS_REMAP_PIN(PIN) (((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_USART1TxRxPortA) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_USART1TxRxPortC) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_USART1Clk) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_SPI1Full) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_ADC1ExtTRIG1) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM2TRIGPortA) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM3TRIGPortA) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_SPI2Full) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM3TRIGPortG) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM23BKIN) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_SPI1PortF) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_USART3TxRxPortF) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_USART3Clk) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM3Channel1) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM3Channel2) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_CCO) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM2Channel1) || \
((PIN) == REMAP_Pin_TIM2Channel2))
* @brief Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different
* values of the @ref REMAP_DMAChannel_TypeDef enum.
#define IS_REMAP_DMACHANNEL(MAP) (((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel0) || \
((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel1) || \
((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel2) || \
((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_ADC1ToChannel3) || \
((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel0) || \
((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel1) || \
((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel2) || \
((MAP) == REMAP_DMA1Channel_TIM4ToChannel3))
* @}
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Routing Interface (RI) configuration ***************************************/
void SYSCFG_RIDeInit(void);
void SYSCFG_RITIMInputCaptureConfig(RI_InputCapture_TypeDef RI_InputCapture,
RI_InputCaptureRouting_TypeDef RI_InputCaptureRouting);
void SYSCFG_RIAnalogSwitchConfig(RI_AnalogSwitch_TypeDef RI_AnalogSwitch,
FunctionalState NewState);
void SYSCFG_RIIOSwitchConfig(RI_IOSwitch_TypeDef RI_IOSwitch, FunctionalState NewState);
void SYSCFG_RIResistorConfig(RI_Resistor_TypeDef RI_Resistor, FunctionalState NewState);
/* SYSCFG configuration *******************************************************/
void SYSCFG_REMAPDeInit(void);
void SYSCFG_REMAPPinConfig(REMAP_Pin_TypeDef REMAP_Pin, FunctionalState NewState);
void SYSCFG_REMAPDMAChannelConfig(REMAP_DMAChannel_TypeDef REMAP_DMAChannel);
#endif /* __STM8L15x_SYSCFG_H */
* @}
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/