Firmware for clock based on atmega8a, ds1307, ds18b20, 4 pcs 4" 7-segment led indicators and 7 buttons connected to ADC.
The finished board was found with a non-working firmware.

Vladimir N. Shilov df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
doc df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
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.gitignore df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
MegaClock.ewp df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
MegaClock.ewt df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
MegaClock.eww df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
ReadMe.txt df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
main.c df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
main.h df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
rtos.c df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
rtos.h df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
twim.c df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás
twim.h df0f7ddc91 Project init. 7 anos atrás


Прошивка для найдной рабочей платы с нерабочей прошивкой.

RTC: DS1307
Sensor: DS18B20
Indikators: 4 x 4" 7-segment LED indocators "KEM-40011 BSR" with common anode
LED drivers: ULN2803 for segments, KT817 for anodes
LEDs: 2 pcs red led to ground
Buttons: 7 pcs connected as voltage divider to ADC0