#include "clock.h" #include "utils.h" /* type defs */ typedef struct t_btn { uint8_t time; es_event_t pressed; es_event_t holded; uint32_t pin; //(GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA; // ?->IDR } btn_t; /* variables */ rtc_t Clock; static rtc_t setClock; static btn_t Button[BTN_NUM] = { {0, evBTN1Pressed, evBTN1Holded, BTN1_PIN}, {0, evBTN2Pressed, evBTN2Pressed, BTN2_PIN}, {0, evBTN3Pressed, evBTN3Pressed, BTN3_PIN}, {0, evBTN4Pressed, evBTN4Holded, BTN4_PIN} }; //convert linear bright level to logariphmic const uint8_t cie[MAX_BRIGHT_LVL + 1] = { 0, 2, 4, 8, 13, 20, 29, 40, 54, 72, 92, 116, 145, 177, 214, 255 }; volatile static uint8_t dispWDT = 0; static in15_pin_t symToFade = 0; static uint8_t LightingBright; static light_mode_t LightingMode; static uint8_t LightingColour; static flash_data_t Lighting, setLighting; /* function prototypes */ static void check_DayNight(void); static void HSV2LED(const uint8_t hue, const uint8_t val); static void MinusFadeIn(void); static void MinusFadeOut(void); static void PlusFadeIn(void); static void PercentFadeIn(void); static void PressureFadeIn(void); static void IN15_FadeIn(void); static void IN15_FadeOut(void); static void valIncrease(uint8_t * val, const uint8_t max); static void valDecrease(uint8_t * val, const uint8_t max); static void dvalIncrease(uint8_t * val, const uint8_t max); static void dvalDecrease(uint8_t * val, const uint8_t max); static void showRainbow(void); /* funcions */ void Clock_Init(void) { RTC_ReadAll(&Clock); showTime(); flash_result_t flash_res = Flash_Read(&Lighting.u64); if ((flash_res != Flash_Ok) || (Lighting.name.DayHour == 0xff)) { Lighting.name.DayHour = MORNING_HOUR; Lighting.name.NightHour = EVENING_HOUR; Lighting.name.DayBright = DAY_BR_LVL; Lighting.name.NightBright = NIGHT_BR_LVL; Lighting.name.DayMode = light_Rainbow; Lighting.name.NightMode = light_Colour; Lighting.name.NightColour = COLOUR_NIXIE; } check_DayNight(); } static void check_DayNight(void) { if ((Clock.Hr >= Lighting.name.DayHour) && (Clock.Hr < Lighting.name.NightHour)) { Flag.Now_Day = 1; LightingBright = cie[Lighting.name.DayBright]; LightingMode = Lighting.name.DayMode; LightingColour = Lighting.name.DayColour; } else { Flag.Now_Day = 0; LightingBright = cie[Lighting.name.NightBright]; LightingMode = Lighting.name.NightMode; LightingColour = Lighting.name.NightColour; } //tube_BrightLevel(Tube_All, LightingBright); TUBES_BRIGHT(LightingBright); } /** * @brief Обработка кнопок. * @param : None * @retval : None */ void btnProcess(void) { /* get pin state */ uint32_t pins = BTNS_STATE; int i; for (i=0; i= (BTN_TIME_HOLDED/BTN_SCAN_PERIOD)) { Button[i].time -= (BTN_TIME_REPEATED/BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); if (Button[i].holded == Button[i].pressed) { /* if pressed and holded - same function, then button pressed auto repeat */ ES_PlaceEvent(Button[i].pressed); } } } else if (Button[i].time != 0) { /* button released */ if (Button[i].time >= ((BTN_TIME_HOLDED - BTN_TIME_REPEATED)/BTN_SCAN_PERIOD)) { /* process long press */ ES_PlaceEvent(Button[i].holded); } else if (Button[i].time >= (BTN_TIME_PRESSED/BTN_SCAN_PERIOD)) { /* process short press */ ES_PlaceEvent(Button[i].pressed); } Button[i].time = 0; RTOS_SetTask(btnProcess, BTN_SCAN_PAUSE, BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); } } /* end FOR */ } void new_Second(void) { RTC_ReadAll(&Clock); // new hour if (Clock.Min == 0 && Clock.Sec == 0) { check_DayNight(); } // check display watch dog timer if (dispWDT != 0) { dispWDT--; if (dispWDT == 0) { Blink_Stop(); ES_PlaceEvent(evDisplayWDT); } } } /** * On/off symbols on IN-15 tube. */ void in15Off(void) { IN15_OFF; TUBE_C_OFF; } void in15Minus(void) { IN15_OFF; IN15_Minus; TUBE_C_ON; } void in15Plus(void) { IN15_OFF; IN15_Plus; TUBE_C_ON; } void in15Percent(void) { IN15_OFF; IN15_Percent; TUBE_C_ON; } void in15P(void) { IN15_OFF; IN15_P; TUBE_C_ON; } /** 'Faded' funcions */ static void MinusFadeIn(void) { static uint8_t on = FADE_START; static uint8_t off = FADE_STOP; static uint8_t st = 0; if (st == 0) { st = 1; IN15_Minus; on += FADE_STEP; if (on < FADE_STOP) { RTOS_SetTask(MinusFadeIn, on, 0); } else { on = FADE_START; off = FADE_STOP; st = 0; } } else { st = 0; IN15_OFF; off -= FADE_STEP; RTOS_SetTask(MinusFadeIn, off, 0); } } static void MinusFadeOut(void) { static uint8_t off = FADE_START; static uint8_t on = FADE_STOP; static uint8_t st = 0; if (st == 0) { st = 1; IN15_OFF; off += FADE_STEP; if (off < FADE_STOP) { RTOS_SetTask(MinusFadeOut, off, 0); } else { off = FADE_START; on = FADE_STOP; st = 0; } } else { st = 0; IN15_Minus; on -= FADE_STEP; RTOS_SetTask(MinusFadeOut, on, 0); } } static void PlusFadeIn(void) { static uint8_t on = FADE_START; static uint8_t off = FADE_STOP; static uint8_t st = 0; if (st == 0) { st = 1; IN15_Plus; on += FADE_STEP; if (on < FADE_STOP) { RTOS_SetTask(PlusFadeIn, on, 0); } else { on = FADE_START; off = FADE_STOP; st = 0; } } else { st = 0; IN15_OFF; off -= FADE_STEP; RTOS_SetTask(PlusFadeIn, off, 0); } } static void PercentFadeIn(void) { static uint8_t on = FADE_START; static uint8_t off = FADE_STOP; static uint8_t st = 0; if (st == 0) { st = 1; IN15_Percent; on += FADE_STEP; if (on < FADE_STOP) { RTOS_SetTask(PercentFadeIn, on, 0); } else { on = FADE_START; off = FADE_STOP; st = 0; } } else { st = 0; IN15_OFF; off -= FADE_STEP; RTOS_SetTask(PercentFadeIn, off, 0); } } static void PressureFadeIn(void) { static uint8_t on = FADE_START; static uint8_t off = FADE_STOP; static uint8_t st = 0; if (st == 0) { st = 1; IN15_P; on += FADE_STEP; if (on < FADE_STOP) { RTOS_SetTask(PressureFadeIn, on, 0); } else { on = FADE_START; off = FADE_STOP; st = 0; } } else { st = 0; IN15_OFF; off -= FADE_STEP; RTOS_SetTask(PressureFadeIn, off, 0); } } static void IN15_FadeIn(void) { static uint8_t on = FADE_START; static uint8_t off = FADE_STOP; static uint8_t st = 0; if (symToFade != 0) { if (st == 0) { st = 1; GPIOA->BSRR = symToFade; on += FADE_STEP; if (on < FADE_STOP) { RTOS_SetTask(IN15_FadeIn, on, 0); } else { on = FADE_START; off = FADE_STOP; st = 0; symToFade = 0; } } else { st = 0; IN15_OFF; off -= FADE_STEP; RTOS_SetTask(IN15_FadeIn, off, 0); } } } static void IN15_FadeOut(void) { static uint8_t off = FADE_START; static uint8_t on = FADE_STOP; static uint8_t st = 0; if (symToFade != 0) { if (st == 0) { st = 1; IN15_OFF; off += FADE_STEP; if (off < FADE_STOP) { RTOS_SetTask(IN15_FadeOut, off, 0); } else { off = FADE_START; on = FADE_STOP; st = 0; symToFade = 0; } } else { st = 0; GPIOA->BSRR = symToFade; on -= FADE_STEP; RTOS_SetTask(IN15_FadeOut, on, 0); } } } /** * @brief HSV to RGB convertion * @param hue: 0-59, sat: allways max, val (lightness): 0-255 * @return none. RGB value output direct to LED. */ static void HSV2LED(const uint8_t hue, const uint8_t val) { uint32_t r=0, g=0, b=0; switch (hue / 10) { case 0: r = val; g = (val * hue) / 10; b = 0; break; case 1: r = (val * (10 - (hue % 10))) / 10; g = val; b = 0; break; case 2: r = 0; g = val; b = (val * (hue % 10)) / 10; break; case 3: r = 0; g = (val * (10 - (hue % 10))) / 10; b = val; break; case 4: r = (val * (hue % 10)) / 10; g = 0; b = val; break; case 5: r = val; g = 0; b = (val * (10 - (hue % 10))) / 10; break; } COLOR_R((uint8_t)r); COLOR_G((uint8_t)g); COLOR_B((uint8_t)b); } /** * Show info on tubes. */ void showTime(void) { static tube4_t old_buf; uint8_t hue; MinusFadeIn(); RTOS_SetTask(MinusFadeOut, 500, 0); switch (LightingMode) { case light_Rainbow: hue = bcd2bin(Clock.Sec); HSV2LED(hue, LightingBright); break; case light_Colour: HSV2LED(LightingColour, LightingBright); break; default: LEDS_OFF; break; } tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = Clock.Hr >> 4; buf.s8.tB = Clock.Hr & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = Clock.Min >> 4; buf.s8.tE = Clock.Min & 0xf; if (Clock.Sec == 0) { lShiftDigits(old_buf, buf); old_buf = buf; } else { showDigits(buf); } } void showMMSS(void) { RTOS_DeleteTask(MinusFadeOut); IN15_Minus; uint8_t hue = bcd2bin(Clock.Sec); HSV2LED(hue, LightingBright); tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = Clock.Min >> 4; buf.s8.tB = Clock.Min & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = Clock.Sec >> 4; buf.s8.tE = Clock.Sec & 0xf; showDigits(buf); } void showWD(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; IN15_OFF; tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tB = Clock.WD & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tE = TUBE_BLANK; showDigits(buf); } void showDayMon(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; IN15_OFF; tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = Clock.Day >> 4; buf.s8.tB = Clock.Day & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = Clock.Mon >> 4; buf.s8.tE = Clock.Mon & 0xf; showDigits(buf); } void showYear(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; IN15_OFF; tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = 2; buf.s8.tB = 0; buf.s8.tD = Clock.Year >> 4; buf.s8.tE = Clock.Year & 0xf; showDigits(buf); } void showHumidity(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME/2; HSV2LED(COLOUR_BLUE, LightingBright); symToFade = sym_Percent; IN15_FadeIn(); tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = Humidity / 10; buf.s8.tB = Humidity % 10; buf.s8.tD = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tE = TUBE_BLANK; showDigits(buf); } void showTemperature(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME/2; HSV2LED(COLOUR_RED, LightingBright); RTOS_DeleteTask(MinusFadeIn); RTOS_DeleteTask(MinusFadeOut); symToFade = sym_Plus; IN15_FadeIn(); tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tB = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tD = Temperature / 10; buf.s8.tE = Temperature % 10; showDigits(buf); } void showPressure(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME/2; HSV2LED(COLOUR_GREEN, LightingBright); symToFade = sym_Pressure; IN15_FadeIn(); tube4_t buf; int tmp; buf.s8.tA = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tB = Pressure / 100; tmp = Pressure % 100; buf.s8.tD = tmp / 10; buf.s8.tE = tmp % 10; showDigits(buf); } /* Simple function for cyclic show all sensor data */ void showSensorData(void) { RTOS_DeleteTask(MinusFadeOut); showTemperature(); tdelay_ms(3000); showHumidity(); tdelay_ms(3000); showPressure(); tdelay_ms(2700); ES_SetState(stShowTime); // showTime(); } void setTimeShow(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = setClock.Hr >> 4; buf.s8.tB = setClock.Hr & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = setClock.Min >> 4; buf.s8.tE = setClock.Min & 0xf; showDigits(buf); } void setTimeBegin(void) { RTOS_DeleteTask(MinusFadeOut); in15Minus(); HSV2LED(COLOUR_NIXIE, LightingBright); RTOS_SetTask(btnProcess, BTN_TIME_HOLDED, BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); RTC_ReadAll(&setClock); } void setHHBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 1; Flag.Blink_2 = 1; Flag.Blink_4 = 0; Flag.Blink_5 = 0; Blink_Start(); setTimeShow(); } void setHHInc(void) { valIncrease(&setClock.Hr, 23); } void setHHDec(void) { valDecrease(&setClock.Hr, 23); } void setMMBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 0; Flag.Blink_4 = 1; Flag.Blink_5 = 1; Blink_Start(); setTimeShow(); } void setMMInc(void) { valIncrease(&setClock.Min, 59); } void setMMDec(void) { valDecrease(&setClock.Min, 59); } void setTimeEnd(void) { dispWDT = 0; RTOS_SetTask(btnProcess, BTN_TIME_HOLDED, BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); setClock.Sec = 0; RTC_WriteTime(&setClock); Blink_Stop(); RTC_ReadAll(&Clock); } void setDateBegin(void) { IN15_OFF; HSV2LED(COLOUR_NIXIE, LightingBright); RTOS_SetTask(btnProcess, BTN_TIME_HOLDED, BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); RTC_ReadAll(&setClock); } void setDateEnd(void) { dispWDT = 0; RTOS_SetTask(btnProcess, BTN_TIME_HOLDED, BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); RTC_WriteCalendar(&setClock); Blink_Stop(); RTC_ReadAll(&Clock); } void setWDBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 1; Flag.Blink_4 = 0; Flag.Blink_5 = 0; Blink_Start(); setWDShow(); } void setWDShow(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tB = setClock.WD & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tE = TUBE_BLANK; showDigits(buf); } void setDMShow(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = setClock.Day >> 4; buf.s8.tB = setClock.Day & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = setClock.Mon >> 4; buf.s8.tE = setClock.Mon & 0xf; showDigits(buf); } void setYearShow(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; tube4_t buf; buf.s8.tA = 2; buf.s8.tB = 0; buf.s8.tD = setClock.Year >> 4; buf.s8.tE = setClock.Year & 0xf; showDigits(buf); } void setMDBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 1; Flag.Blink_2 = 1; Flag.Blink_4 = 0; Flag.Blink_5 = 0; Blink_Start(); setDMShow(); } void setMonthBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 0; Flag.Blink_4 = 1; Flag.Blink_5 = 1; Blink_Start(); setDMShow(); } void setYearBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 0; Flag.Blink_4 = 1; Flag.Blink_5 = 1; Blink_Start(); setYearShow(); } void setIncWDay(void) { valIncrease(&setClock.WD, 7); } void setIncMDay(void) { valIncrease(&setClock.Day, 31); } void setIncMonth(void) { valIncrease(&setClock.Mon, 12); } void setIncYear(void) { valIncrease(&setClock.Year, 99); } void setDecWDay(void) { valDecrease(&setClock.WD, 7); } void setDecMDay(void) { valDecrease(&setClock.Day, 31); } void setDecMonth(void) { valDecrease(&setClock.Mon, 12); } void setDecYear(void) { valDecrease(&setClock.Year, 99); } void showDNhour(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; tube4_t buf; es_state_t e_st = ES_GetState(); if (e_st == stShowDNhours){ buf.s8.tA = Lighting.name.DayHour >> 4; buf.s8.tB = Lighting.name.DayHour & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = Lighting.name.NightHour >> 4; buf.s8.tE = Lighting.name.NightHour & 0xf; } else { buf.s8.tA = setLighting.name.DayHour >> 4; buf.s8.tB = setLighting.name.DayHour & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = setLighting.name.NightHour >> 4; buf.s8.tE = setLighting.name.NightHour & 0xf; } showDigits(buf); } void showDNbright(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; tube4_t buf; es_state_t e_st = ES_GetState(); if (e_st == stShowDNbright){ buf.s8.tA = Lighting.name.DayBright / 10; buf.s8.tB = Lighting.name.DayBright % 10; buf.s8.tD = Lighting.name.NightBright / 10; buf.s8.tE = Lighting.name.NightBright % 10; } else { buf.s8.tA = setLighting.name.DayBright / 10; buf.s8.tB = setLighting.name.DayBright % 10; buf.s8.tD = setLighting.name.NightBright / 10; buf.s8.tE = setLighting.name.NightBright % 10; } showDigits(buf); } void showDNmode(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; uint8_t dm, nm; tube4_t buf; es_state_t e_st = ES_GetState(); if (e_st == stShowDNmode){ dm = Lighting.name.DayMode; nm = Lighting.name.NightMode; } else { dm = setLighting.name.DayMode; nm = setLighting.name.NightMode; } buf.s8.tA = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tB = dm & 0xf; buf.s8.tD = TUBE_BLANK; buf.s8.tE = nm & 0xf; showDigits(buf); } void showDNcolour(void) { dispWDT = DISP_WDT_TIME; tube4_t buf; es_state_t e_st = ES_GetState(); if (e_st == stShowDNcolour){ buf.s8.tA = Lighting.name.DayColour / 10; buf.s8.tB = Lighting.name.DayColour % 10; buf.s8.tD = Lighting.name.NightColour / 10; buf.s8.tE = Lighting.name.NightColour % 10; } else { buf.s8.tA = setLighting.name.DayColour / 10; buf.s8.tB = setLighting.name.DayColour % 10; buf.s8.tD = setLighting.name.NightColour / 10; buf.s8.tE = setLighting.name.NightColour % 10; } showDigits(buf); } void setDNbegin(void) { IN15_OFF; RTOS_SetTask(btnProcess, BTN_TIME_HOLDED, BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); setLighting.u64 = Lighting.u64; //Flash_Read(&setLighting.u64); } void setDNend(void) { dispWDT = 0; RTOS_SetTask(btnProcess, BTN_TIME_HOLDED, BTN_SCAN_PERIOD); Blink_Stop(); LEDS_OFF; Flash_Write(&setLighting.u64); Lighting.u64 = setLighting.u64; check_DayNight(); } void setDayHourBegin(void) { LEDS_OFF; Flag.Blink_1 = 1; Flag.Blink_2 = 1; Flag.Blink_4 = 0; Flag.Blink_5 = 0; Blink_Start(); showDNhour(); } void setNightHourBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 0; Flag.Blink_4 = 1; Flag.Blink_5 = 1; Blink_Start(); showDNhour(); } void setDayBrightBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 1; Flag.Blink_2 = 1; Flag.Blink_4 = 0; Flag.Blink_5 = 0; Blink_Start(); showDNbright(); } void setNightBrightBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 0; Flag.Blink_4 = 1; Flag.Blink_5 = 1; Blink_Start(); showDNbright(); } void setDayModeBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 1; Flag.Blink_2 = 1; Flag.Blink_4 = 0; Flag.Blink_5 = 0; Blink_Start(); showDNmode(); } void setNightModeBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 0; Flag.Blink_4 = 1; Flag.Blink_5 = 1; Blink_Start(); showDNmode(); } void setDayColourBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 1; Flag.Blink_2 = 1; Flag.Blink_4 = 0; Flag.Blink_5 = 0; Blink_Start(); HSV2LED(setLighting.name.DayColour, LightingBright); showDNcolour(); } void setNightColourBegin(void) { Flag.Blink_1 = 0; Flag.Blink_2 = 0; Flag.Blink_4 = 1; Flag.Blink_5 = 1; Blink_Start(); HSV2LED(setLighting.name.NightColour, LightingBright); showDNcolour(); } void setIncDayHour(void) { valIncrease(&setLighting.name.DayHour, 23); } void setIncDayBright(void) { dvalIncrease(&setLighting.name.DayBright, MAX_BRIGHT_LVL); //tube_BrightLevel(Tube_All, setLighting.name.DayBright); TUBES_BRIGHT(setLighting.name.DayBright); } void setIncDayMode(void) { dvalIncrease(&setLighting.name.DayMode, MAX_LIGHT_MODE); if (setLighting.name.DayMode == light_Rainbow) { RTOS_SetTask(showRainbow, 0, 20); } else { RTOS_DeleteTask(showRainbow); } } void setIncDayColour(void) { dvalIncrease(&setLighting.name.DayColour, MAX_COLOR_VAL); HSV2LED(setLighting.name.DayColour, LightingBright); } void setDecDayHour(void) { valDecrease(&setLighting.name.DayHour, 23); } void setDecDayBright(void) { dvalDecrease(&setLighting.name.DayBright, MAX_BRIGHT_LVL); //tube_BrightLevel(Tube_All, setLighting.name.DayBright); TUBES_BRIGHT(setLighting.name.DayBright); } void setDecDayMode(void) { dvalDecrease(&setLighting.name.DayMode, MAX_LIGHT_MODE); if (setLighting.name.DayMode == light_Rainbow) { RTOS_SetTask(showRainbow, 0, 20); } else { RTOS_DeleteTask(showRainbow); } } void setDecDayColour(void) { dvalDecrease(&setLighting.name.DayColour, MAX_COLOR_VAL); HSV2LED(setLighting.name.DayColour, LightingBright); } void setIncNightHour(void) { valIncrease(&setLighting.name.NightHour, 23); } void setIncNightBright(void) { dvalIncrease(&setLighting.name.NightBright, MAX_BRIGHT_LVL); //tube_BrightLevel(Tube_All, setLighting.name.NightBright); TUBES_BRIGHT(setLighting.name.NightBright); } void setIncNightMode(void) { dvalIncrease(&setLighting.name.NightMode, MAX_LIGHT_MODE); if (setLighting.name.NightMode == light_Rainbow) { RTOS_SetTask(showRainbow, 0, 20); } else { RTOS_DeleteTask(showRainbow); } } void setIncNightColour(void) { dvalIncrease(&setLighting.name.NightColour, MAX_COLOR_VAL); HSV2LED(setLighting.name.NightColour, LightingBright); } void setDecNightHour(void) { valDecrease(&setLighting.name.NightHour, 23); } void setDecNightBright(void) { dvalDecrease(&setLighting.name.NightBright, MAX_BRIGHT_LVL); //tube_BrightLevel(Tube_All, setLighting.name.NightBright); TUBES_BRIGHT(setLighting.name.NightBright); } void setDecNightMode(void) { dvalDecrease(&setLighting.name.NightMode, MAX_LIGHT_MODE); if (setLighting.name.NightMode == light_Rainbow) { RTOS_SetTask(showRainbow, 0, 20); } else { RTOS_DeleteTask(showRainbow); } } void setDecNightColour(void) { dvalDecrease(&setLighting.name.NightColour, MAX_COLOR_VAL); HSV2LED(setLighting.name.NightColour, LightingBright); } void setDNbreak(void) { // restore led and tube bright level check_DayNight(); } /** * @brief Increase BCD value. * @param : val, max * @retval : None */ static void valIncrease(uint8_t * val, uint8_t max) { uint8_t bin = 10 * (*val >> 4) + (*val & 0x0f); if (bin < max) { bin ++; } else { bin = 0; } *val = ((bin / 10 ) << 4) | (bin % 10); } /** * @brief Decrease BCD value. * @param : value, max * @retval : None */ static void valDecrease(uint8_t * val, uint8_t max) { uint8_t bin = 10 * (*val >> 4) + (*val & 0x0f); if (bin > 0) { bin --; } else { bin = max; } *val = ((bin / 10 ) << 4) | (bin % 10); } /** * @brief Increase/Decrease decimal value. * @param val * @param max * @retval : None, change value */ static void dvalIncrease(uint8_t * val, uint8_t max) { if (*val < max) { *val += 1; } else { *val = 0; } } static void dvalDecrease(uint8_t * val, uint8_t max) { if (*val > 0) { *val -= 1; } else { *val = max; } } static void showRainbow(void) { static uint8_t hue = 0; HSV2LED(hue, LightingBright); if (hue < 59) { hue ++; } else { hue = 0; RTOS_DeleteTask(showRainbow); } }