@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#pragma once
+#ifndef DS3231_H
+#define DS3231_H
+/* i2c slave address of the DS3231 chip */
+#define DS3231_I2C_WRADDR 0xD0
+#define DS3231_I2C_RDADDR 0xD1
+/* timekeeping registers */
+#define DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR 0x00
+#define DS3231_CALENDAR_ADDR 0x03
+#define DS3231_ALARM1_ADDR 0x07
+#define DS3231_ALARM2_ADDR 0x0B
+#define DS3231_CONTROL_ADDR 0x0E
+#define DS3231_STATUS_ADDR 0x0F
+#define DS3231_AGING_OFFSET_ADDR 0x10
+#define DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR 0x11
+// control register bits
+#define DS3231_A1IE 0x01
+#define DS3231_A2IE 0x02
+#define DS3231_INTCN 0x04
+#define DS3231_RS1 0x08
+#define DS3231_RS2 0x10
+#define DS3231_CONV 0x20
+#define DS3231_BBSQW 0x40
+#define DS3231_OSC_OSC 0x80
+/* square-wave output frequency */
+#define DS3231_1HZ 0x00
+#define DS3231_1024HZ DS3231_RS1
+#define DS3231_4096HZ DS3231_RS2
+#define DS3231_8192HZ (DS3231_RS1 | DS3231_RS2)
+/* status register bits */
+#define DS3231_A1F 0x01
+#define DS3231_A2F 0x02
+#define DS3231_OSF 0x80
+/* RTC Status */
+typedef enum {
+ RTC_OK = 0x00,
+ RTC_TWI_TimeOut,
+ RTC_TWI_Error
+} rtc_status_t;
+ * @brief Clock sructure.
+ * @note structure of ds3231 data.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * @brief Seconds
+ */
+ uint8_t Sec;
+ /**
+ * @brief Minutes
+ */
+ uint8_t Min;
+ /**
+ * @brief Hours
+ */
+ uint8_t Hr;
+ /**
+ * @brief Week Day
+ */
+ uint8_t WD;
+ /**
+ * @brief Day of Month
+ */
+ uint8_t Day;
+ /**
+ * @brief Month
+ */
+ uint8_t Mon;
+ /**
+ * @brief Year
+ */
+ uint8_t Year;
+} rtc_t;
+void RTC_Init(void);
+void RTC_ReadAll(rtc_t * data);
+void RTC_ReadTime(rtc_t * data);
+void RTC_ReadCalendar(rtc_t * data);
+void RTC_WriteAll(rtc_t * data);
+void RTC_WriteTime(rtc_t * data);
+void RTC_WriteHHMM(rtc_t * data);
+void RTC_WriteCalendar(rtc_t * data);
+uint8_t bcd2bin(uint8_t bcd);
+uint8_t bin2bcd(uint8_t bin);
+#endif // DS3231_H