@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+/ Universal String Handler for Console Input and Output
+/ Copyright (C) 2021, ChaN, all right reserved.
+/ xprintf module is an open source software. Redistribution and use of
+/ xprintf module in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+/ are permitted provided that the following condition is met:
+/ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+/ this condition and the following disclaimer.
+/ This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "AS IS"
+/ and any warranties related to this software are DISCLAIMED.
+/ The copyright owner or contributors be NOT LIABLE for any damages caused
+/ by use of this software.
+#include "xprintf.h"
+#define SZB_OUTPUT 32
+#include <stdarg.h>
+void (*xfunc_output)(int); /* Pointer to the default output device */
+static char *strptr; /* Pointer to the output memory (used by xsprintf) */
+#if XF_USE_FP
+/* Floating point output */
+#include <math.h>
+static int ilog10 (double n) /* Calculate log10(n) in integer output */
+ int rv = 0;
+ while (n >= 10) { /* Decimate digit in right shift */
+ if (n >= 100000) {
+ n /= 100000; rv += 5;
+ } else {
+ n /= 10; rv++;
+ }
+ }
+ while (n < 1) { /* Decimate digit in left shift */
+ if (n < 0.00001) {
+ n *= 100000; rv -= 5;
+ } else {
+ n *= 10; rv--;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+static double i10x (int n) /* Calculate 10^n */
+ double rv = 1;
+ while (n > 0) { /* Left shift */
+ if (n >= 5) {
+ rv *= 100000; n -= 5;
+ } else {
+ rv *= 10; n--;
+ }
+ }
+ while (n < 0) { /* Right shift */
+ if (n <= -5) {
+ rv /= 100000; n += 5;
+ } else {
+ rv /= 10; n++;
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+static void ftoa (
+ char* buf, /* Buffer to output the generated string */
+ double val, /* Real number to output */
+ int prec, /* Number of fractinal digits */
+ char fmt /* Notation */
+ int d;
+ int e = 0, m = 0;
+ char sign = 0;
+ double w;
+ const char *er = 0;
+ if (isnan(val)) { /* Not a number? */
+ er = "NaN";
+ } else {
+ if (prec < 0) prec = 6; /* Default precision (6 fractional digits) */
+ if (val < 0) { /* Nagative value? */
+ val = -val; sign = '-';
+ } else {
+ sign = '+';
+ }
+ if (isinf(val)) { /* Infinite? */
+ er = "INF";
+ } else {
+ if (fmt == 'f') { /* Decimal notation? */
+ val += i10x(-prec) / 2; /* Round (nearest) */
+ m = ilog10(val);
+ if (m < 0) m = 0;
+ if (m + prec + 3 >= SZB_OUTPUT) er = "OV"; /* Buffer overflow? */
+ } else { /* E notation */
+ if (val != 0) { /* Not a true zero? */
+ val += i10x(ilog10(val) - prec) / 2; /* Round (nearest) */
+ e = ilog10(val);
+ if (e > 99 || prec + 6 >= SZB_OUTPUT) { /* Buffer overflow or E > +99? */
+ er = "OV";
+ } else {
+ if (e < -99) e = -99;
+ val /= i10x(e); /* Normalize */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!er) { /* Not error condition */
+ if (sign == '-') *buf++ = sign; /* Add a - if negative value */
+ do { /* Put decimal number */
+ w = i10x(m); /* Snip the highest digit d */
+ d = val / w; val -= d * w;
+ if (m == -1) *buf++ = XF_DPC; /* Insert a decimal separarot if get into fractional part */
+ *buf++ = '0' + d; /* Put the digit */
+ } while (--m >= -prec); /* Output all digits specified by prec */
+ if (fmt != 'f') { /* Put exponent if needed */
+ *buf++ = fmt;
+ if (e < 0) {
+ e = -e; *buf++ = '-';
+ } else {
+ *buf++ = '+';
+ }
+ *buf++ = '0' + e / 10;
+ *buf++ = '0' + e % 10;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (er) { /* Error condition? */
+ if (sign) *buf++ = sign; /* Add sign if needed */
+ do *buf++ = *er++; while (*er); /* Put error symbol */
+ }
+ *buf = 0; /* Term */
+#endif /* XF_USE_FLOAT */
+/* Put a character */
+void xputc (
+ int chr /* Character to be output */
+ xfputc(xfunc_output, chr); /* Output it to the default output device */
+void xfputc ( /* Put a character to the specified device */
+ void(*func)(int), /* Pointer to the output function (null:strptr) */
+ int chr /* Character to be output */
+ if (XF_CRLF && chr == '\n') xfputc(func, '\r'); /* CR -> CRLF */
+ if (func) {
+ func(chr); /* Write a character to the output device */
+ } else if (strptr) {
+ *strptr++ = chr; /* Write a character to the memory */
+ }
+/* Put a null-terminated string */
+void xputs ( /* Put a string to the default device */
+ const char* str /* Pointer to the string */
+ xfputs(xfunc_output, str);
+void xfputs ( /* Put a string to the specified device */
+ void(*func)(int), /* Pointer to the output function */
+ const char* str /* Pointer to the string */
+ while (*str) { /* Put the string */
+ xfputc(func, *str++);
+ }
+/* Formatted string output */
+/* xprintf("%d", 1234); "1234"
+ xprintf("%6d,%3d%%", -200, 5); " -200, 5%"
+ xprintf("%-6u", 100); "100 "
+ xprintf("%ld", 12345678); "12345678"
+ xprintf("%llu", 0x100000000); "4294967296" <XF_USE_LLI>
+ xprintf("%lld", -1LL); "-1" <XF_USE_LLI>
+ xprintf("%04x", 0xA3); "00a3"
+ xprintf("%08lX", 0x123ABC); "00123ABC"
+ xprintf("%016b", 0x550F); "0101010100001111"
+ xprintf("%*d", 6, 100); " 100"
+ xprintf("%s", "String"); "String"
+ xprintf("%5s", "abc"); " abc"
+ xprintf("%-5s", "abc"); "abc "
+ xprintf("%-5s", "abcdefg"); "abcdefg"
+ xprintf("%-5.5s", "abcdefg"); "abcde"
+ xprintf("%-.5s", "abcdefg"); "abcde"
+ xprintf("%-5.5s", "abc"); "abc "
+ xprintf("%c", 'a'); "a"
+ xprintf("%12f", 10.0); " 10.000000" <XF_USE_FP>
+ xprintf("%.4E", 123.45678); "1.2346E+02" <XF_USE_FP>
+static void xvfprintf (
+ void(*func)(int), /* Pointer to the output function */
+ const char* fmt, /* Pointer to the format string */
+ va_list arp /* Pointer to arguments */
+ unsigned int r, i, j, w, f;
+ int n, prec;
+ char str[SZB_OUTPUT], c, d, *p, pad;
+ long long v;
+ unsigned long long uv;
+ long v;
+ unsigned long uv;
+ for (;;) {
+ c = *fmt++; /* Get a format character */
+ if (!c) break; /* End of format? */
+ if (c != '%') { /* Pass it through if not a % sequense */
+ xfputc(func, c); continue;
+ }
+ f = w = 0; /* Clear parms */
+ pad = ' '; prec = -1;
+ c = *fmt++; /* Get first char of the sequense */
+ if (c == '0') { /* Flag: left '0' padded */
+ pad = '0'; c = *fmt++;
+ } else {
+ if (c == '-') { /* Flag: left justified */
+ f = 2; c = *fmt++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == '*') { /* Minimum width from an argument */
+ n = va_arg(arp, int);
+ if (n < 0) { /* Flag: left justified */
+ n = 0 - n; f = 2;
+ }
+ w = n; c = *fmt++;
+ } else {
+ while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { /* Minimum width */
+ w = w * 10 + c - '0';
+ c = *fmt++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == '.') { /* Precision */
+ c = *fmt++;
+ if (c == '*') { /* Precision from an argument */
+ prec = va_arg(arp, int);
+ c = *fmt++;
+ } else {
+ prec = 0;
+ while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+ prec = prec * 10 + c - '0';
+ c = *fmt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == 'l') { /* Prefix: Size is long */
+ f |= 4; c = *fmt++;
+ if (c == 'l') { /* Prefix: Size is long long */
+ f |= 8; c = *fmt++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!c) break; /* End of format? */
+ switch (c) { /* Type is... */
+ case 'b': /* Unsigned binary */
+ r = 2; break;
+ case 'o': /* Unsigned octal */
+ r = 8; break;
+ case 'd': /* Signed decimal */
+ case 'u': /* Unsigned decimal */
+ r = 10; break;
+ case 'x': /* Hexdecimal (lower case) */
+ case 'X': /* Hexdecimal (upper case) */
+ r = 16; break;
+ case 'c': /* A character */
+ xfputc(func, (char)va_arg(arp, int)); continue;
+ case 's': /* String */
+ p = va_arg(arp, char*); /* Get a pointer argument */
+ if (!p) p = ""; /* Null ptr generates a null string */
+ j = strlen(p);
+ if (prec >= 0 && j > (unsigned int)prec) j = prec; /* Limited length of string body */
+ for ( ; !(f & 2) && j < w; j++) xfputc(func, pad); /* Left pads */
+ while (*p && prec--) xfputc(func, *p++);/* String body */
+ while (j++ < w) xfputc(func, ' '); /* Right pads */
+ continue;
+#if XF_USE_FP
+ case 'f': /* Float (decimal) */
+ case 'e': /* Float (e) */
+ case 'E': /* Float (E) */
+ ftoa(p = str, va_arg(arp, double), prec, c); /* Make fp string */
+ for (j = strlen(p); !(f & 2) && j < w; j++) xfputc(func, pad); /* Left pads */
+ while (*p) xfputc(func, *p++); /* Value */
+ while (j++ < w) xfputc(func, ' '); /* Right pads */
+ continue;
+ default: /* Unknown type (passthrough) */
+ xfputc(func, c); continue;
+ }
+ /* Get an integer argument and put it in numeral */
+ if (f & 8) { /* long long argument? */
+ v = (long long)va_arg(arp, long long);
+ } else {
+ if (f & 4) { /* long argument? */
+ v = (c == 'd') ? (long long)va_arg(arp, long) : (long long)va_arg(arp, unsigned long);
+ } else { /* int/short/char argument */
+ v = (c == 'd') ? (long long)va_arg(arp, int) : (long long)va_arg(arp, unsigned int);
+ }
+ }
+ if (f & 4) { /* long argument? */
+ v = (long)va_arg(arp, long);
+ } else { /* int/short/char argument */
+ v = (c == 'd') ? (long)va_arg(arp, int) : (long)va_arg(arp, unsigned int);
+ }
+ if (c == 'd' && v < 0) { /* Negative value? */
+ v = 0 - v; f |= 1;
+ }
+ i = 0; uv = v;
+ do { /* Make an integer number string */
+ d = (char)(uv % r); uv /= r;
+ if (d > 9) d += (c == 'x') ? 0x27 : 0x07;
+ str[i++] = d + '0';
+ } while (uv != 0 && i < sizeof str);
+ if (f & 1) str[i++] = '-'; /* Sign */
+ for (j = i; !(f & 2) && j < w; j++) xfputc(func, pad); /* Left pads */
+ do xfputc(func, str[--i]); while (i != 0); /* Value */
+ while (j++ < w) xfputc(func, ' '); /* Right pads */
+ }
+void xprintf ( /* Put a formatted string to the default device */
+ const char* fmt, /* Pointer to the format string */
+ ... /* Optional arguments */
+ va_list arp;
+ va_start(arp, fmt);
+ xvfprintf(xfunc_output, fmt, arp);
+ va_end(arp);
+void xfprintf ( /* Put a formatted string to the specified device */
+ void(*func)(int), /* Pointer to the output function */
+ const char* fmt, /* Pointer to the format string */
+ ... /* Optional arguments */
+ va_list arp;
+ va_start(arp, fmt);
+ xvfprintf(func, fmt, arp);
+ va_end(arp);
+void xsprintf ( /* Put a formatted string to the memory */
+ char* buff, /* Pointer to the output buffer */
+ const char* fmt, /* Pointer to the format string */
+ ... /* Optional arguments */
+ va_list arp;
+ strptr = buff; /* Enable destination for memory */
+ va_start(arp, fmt);
+ xvfprintf(0, fmt, arp);
+ va_end(arp);
+ *strptr = 0; /* Terminate output string */
+ strptr = 0; /* Disable destination for memory */
+/* Dump a line of binary dump */
+void put_dump (
+ const void* buff, /* Pointer to the array to be dumped */
+ unsigned long addr, /* Heading address value */
+ int len, /* Number of items to be dumped */
+ size_t width /* Size of buff[0] (1, 2 or 4) */
+ int i;
+ const unsigned char *bp;
+ const unsigned short *sp;
+ const unsigned long *lp;
+ xprintf("%08lX ", addr); /* address */
+ switch (width) {
+ case sizeof (char):
+ bp = buff;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* Hexdecimal dump in (char) */
+ xprintf(" %02X", bp[i]);
+ }
+ xputs(" ");
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* ASCII dump */
+ xputc((unsigned char)((bp[i] >= ' ' && bp[i] <= '~') ? bp[i] : '.'));
+ }
+ break;
+ case sizeof (short):
+ sp = buff;
+ do { /* Hexdecimal dump in (short) */
+ xprintf(" %04X", *sp++);
+ } while (--len);
+ break;
+ case sizeof (long):
+ lp = buff;
+ do { /* Hexdecimal dump in (short) */
+ xprintf(" %08lX", *lp++);
+ } while (--len);
+ break;
+ }
+ xputc('\n');
+#endif /* XF_USE_DUMP */
+#endif /* XF_USE_OUTPUT */
+int (*xfunc_input)(void); /* Pointer to the default input stream */
+/* Get a line from the input */
+int xgets ( /* 0:End of stream, 1:A line arrived */
+ char* buff, /* Pointer to the buffer */
+ int len /* Buffer length */
+ int c, i;
+ if (!xfunc_input) return 0; /* No input function is specified */
+ i = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ c = xfunc_input(); /* Get a char from the incoming stream */
+ if (c < 0 || c == '\r') break; /* End of stream or CR? */
+ if (c == '\b' && i) { /* BS? */
+ i--;
+ if (XF_INPUT_ECHO) xputc(c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c >= ' ' && i < len - 1) { /* Visible chars? */
+ buff[i++] = c;
+ if (XF_INPUT_ECHO) xputc(c);
+ }
+ }
+ if (XF_INPUT_ECHO) {
+ xputc('\r');
+ xputc('\n');
+ }
+ buff[i] = 0; /* Terminate with a \0 */
+ return (int)(c == '\r');
+/* Get a value of integer string */
+/* "123 -5 0x3ff 0b1111 0377 w "
+ ^ 1st call returns 123 and next ptr
+ ^ 2nd call returns -5 and next ptr
+ ^ 3rd call returns 1023 and next ptr
+ ^ 4th call returns 15 and next ptr
+ ^ 5th call returns 255 and next ptr
+ ^ 6th call fails and returns 0
+int xatoi ( /* 0:Failed, 1:Successful */
+ char **str, /* Pointer to pointer to the string */
+ long *res /* Pointer to the valiable to store the value */
+ unsigned long val;
+ unsigned char c, r, s = 0;
+ *res = 0;
+ while ((c = **str) == ' ') (*str)++; /* Skip leading spaces */
+ if (c == '-') { /* negative? */
+ s = 1;
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ }
+ if (c == '0') {
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'x': /* hexdecimal */
+ r = 16; c = *(++(*str));
+ break;
+ case 'b': /* binary */
+ r = 2; c = *(++(*str));
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (c <= ' ') return 1; /* single zero */
+ if (c < '0' || c > '9') return 0; /* invalid char */
+ r = 8; /* octal */
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (c < '0' || c > '9') return 0; /* EOL or invalid char */
+ r = 10; /* decimal */
+ }
+ val = 0;
+ while (c > ' ') {
+ if (c >= 'a') c -= 0x20;
+ c -= '0';
+ if (c >= 17) {
+ c -= 7;
+ if (c <= 9) return 0; /* invalid char */
+ }
+ if (c >= r) return 0; /* invalid char for current radix */
+ val = val * r + c;
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ }
+ if (s) val = 0 - val; /* apply sign if needed */
+ *res = val;
+ return 1;
+#if XF_USE_FP
+/* Get a value of the real number string */
+/* Float version of xatoi
+int xatof ( /* 0:Failed, 1:Successful */
+ char **str, /* Pointer to pointer to the string */
+ double *res /* Pointer to the valiable to store the value */
+ double val;
+ int s, f, e;
+ unsigned char c;
+ *res = 0;
+ s = f = 0;
+ while ((c = **str) == ' ') (*str)++; /* Skip leading spaces */
+ if (c == '-') { /* Negative? */
+ c = *(++(*str)); s = 1;
+ } else if (c == '+') { /* Positive? */
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ }
+ if (c == XF_DPC) { /* Leading dp? */
+ f = -1; /* Start at fractional part */
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ }
+ if (c <= ' ') return 0; /* Wrong termination? */
+ val = 0;
+ while (c > ' ') { /* Get a value of decimal */
+ if (c == XF_DPC) { /* Embedded dp? */
+ if (f < 0) return 0; /* Wrong dp? */
+ f = -1; /* Enter fractional part */
+ } else {
+ if (c < '0' || c > '9') break; /* End of decimal? */
+ c -= '0';
+ if (f == 0) { /* In integer part */
+ val = val * 10 + c;
+ } else { /* In fractional part */
+ val += i10x(f--) * c;
+ }
+ }
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ }
+ if (c > ' ') { /* It may be an exponent */
+ if (c != 'e' && c != 'E') return 0; /* Wrong character? */
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ if (c == '-') {
+ c = *(++(*str)); s |= 2; /* Negative exponent */
+ } else if (c == '+') {
+ c = *(++(*str)); /* Positive exponent */
+ }
+ if (c <= ' ') return 0; /* Wrong termination? */
+ e = 0;
+ while (c > ' ') { /* Get value of exponent */
+ c -= '0';
+ if (c > 9) return 0; /* Not a numeral? */
+ e = e * 10 + c;
+ c = *(++(*str));
+ }
+ val *= i10x((s & 2) ? -e : e); /* Apply exponent */
+ }
+ if (s & 1) val = -val; /* Negate sign if needed */
+ *res = val;
+ return 1;
+#endif /* XF_USE_FP */
+#endif /* XF_USE_INPUT */