############################################################################## # Build global options # NOTE: Can be overridden externally. # # Compiler options here. ifeq ($(USE_OPT),) USE_OPT = -O2 -ggdb -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=16 endif # C specific options here (added to USE_OPT). ifeq ($(USE_COPT),) USE_COPT = endif # C++ specific options here (added to USE_OPT). ifeq ($(USE_CPPOPT),) USE_CPPOPT = -fno-rtti endif # Enable this if you want the linker to remove unused code and data. ifeq ($(USE_LINK_GC),) USE_LINK_GC = yes endif # Linker extra options here. ifeq ($(USE_LDOPT),) USE_LDOPT = -lm endif # Enable this if you want link time optimizations (LTO). ifeq ($(USE_LTO),) USE_LTO = yes endif # Enable this if you want to see the full log while compiling. ifeq ($(USE_VERBOSE_COMPILE),) USE_VERBOSE_COMPILE = no endif # If enabled, this option makes the build process faster by not compiling # modules not used in the current configuration. ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),) USE_SMART_BUILD = yes endif # # Build global options ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Architecture or project specific options # # Stack size to be allocated to the Cortex-M process stack. This stack is # the stack used by the main() thread. ifeq ($(USE_PROCESS_STACKSIZE),) USE_PROCESS_STACKSIZE = 0x400 endif # Stack size to the allocated to the Cortex-M main/exceptions stack. This # stack is used for processing interrupts and exceptions. ifeq ($(USE_EXCEPTIONS_STACKSIZE),) USE_EXCEPTIONS_STACKSIZE = 0x400 endif # Enables the use of FPU (no, softfp, hard). ifeq ($(USE_FPU),) USE_FPU = no endif # FPU-related options. ifeq ($(USE_FPU_OPT),) USE_FPU_OPT = -mfloat-abi=$(USE_FPU) -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 endif # # Architecture or project specific options ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Project, target, sources and paths # # Define project name here PROJECT = acc-tst # Target settings. MCU = cortex-m3 # Imported source files and paths. CHIBIOS := C:/MCU/ChibiOS CONFDIR := ./cfg BUILDDIR := ./build DEPDIR := ./.dep # Licensing files. include $(CHIBIOS)/os/license/license.mk # Startup files. include $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/startup_stm32f1xx.mk # HAL-OSAL files (optional). include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/hal.mk include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/ports/STM32/STM32F1xx/platform.mk #include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/boards/ST_NUCLEO64_F103RB/board.mk include board/board.mk include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/osal/rt-nil/osal.mk # RTOS files (optional). include $(CHIBIOS)/os/rt/rt.mk include $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ports/ARMv7-M/compilers/GCC/mk/port.mk # Auto-build files in ./source recursively. include $(CHIBIOS)/tools/mk/autobuild.mk # Other files (optional). include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/lib/streams/streams.mk #include $(CHIBIOS)/os/various/shell/shell.mk # µGFX GFXLIB = C:/MCU/uGFX include $(GFXLIB)/gfx.mk include $(GFXLIB)/drivers/gdisp/LGDP4532/driver.mk # your board include $(GFXLIB)/drivers/ginput/toggle/Pal/driver.mk # your button keys include $(GFXLIB)/drivers/ginput/touch/ADS7843/driver.mk # your touch panel # Define linker script file here LDSCRIPT= $(STARTUPLD)/STM32F103xE.ld # C sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global # setting. CSRC = $(ALLCSRC) \ $(GFXSRC) \ src/INA3221.c \ src/buttons.c \ src/main.c # C++ sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global # setting. CPPSRC = $(ALLCPPSRC) \ # List ASM source files here. ASMSRC = $(ALLASMSRC) # List ASM with preprocessor source files here. ASMXSRC = $(ALLXASMSRC) # Inclusion directories. INCDIR = $(CONFDIR) $(ALLINC) $(GFXINC) # Define C warning options here. CWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes # Define C++ warning options here. CPPWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef # # Project, target, sources and paths ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Start of user section # # List all user C define here, like -D_DEBUG=1 UDEFS = # Define ASM defines here UADEFS = # List all user directories here UINCDIR = inc # List the user directory to look for the libraries here ULIBDIR = # List all user libraries here ULIBS = # # End of user section ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Common rules # RULESPATH = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk include $(RULESPATH)/arm-none-eabi.mk include $(RULESPATH)/rules.mk # # Common rules ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Custom rules # flash: all @flash.cmd # # Custom rules ##############################################################################