@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
#define INA_SCAN_PERIOS_US 62500
#define INA_AVG_FACTOR 16
+#define CHRGR_PAUSE1_S 60
+#define CHRGR_PAUSE2_S 60
/* Type definitions */
typedef enum chrgr_state {
Stop = 0,
@@ -78,7 +81,8 @@ static const charger_channel_t charger_Channels[INA3221_CH_NUM] = {
/* Privae functions */
static void prepare_Screen(void);
-static void ina_Process(void); //(virtual_timer_t *vtp, void *p);
+static void ina_Process(void);
+static void mode_vt_cb(virtual_timer_t *vtp, charger_state_t st);
static void btn1_handler(const button_state_t);
static void btn2_handler(const button_state_t);
static void btn3_handler(const button_state_t);
@@ -86,11 +90,13 @@ static void btn4_handler(const button_state_t);
/* Private variables */
static binary_semaphore_t ina_bsem, charger_bsem;
+static virtual_timer_t mode_vt;
+static thread_t *uart_thread;
static charger_state_t charger_State;
-static uint8_t current_Channel;
-static int32_t Current, sumCurrent=0, secCurrent;
-static uint32_t Voltage, sumVoltage=0, secVoltage;
-static uint32_t secPower, Capacity_I=0, Capacity_P=0;
+static ina3221_ch_t current_Channel;
+static uint32_t Current;
+static uint32_t Voltage;
+static uint32_t Power, Capacity_I=0, Capacity_P=0;
static int INA_Present = 0;
static BaseSequentialStream * chp = (BaseSequentialStream*) &SD1;
GHandle GW1; // The handle for our console
@@ -124,24 +130,12 @@ static THD_FUNCTION(ChrgThread, arg) {
while (true) {
- if (Timer.ss < 59) {
- Timer.ss ++;
- } else {
- Timer.ss = 0;
- if (Timer.mm < 59) {
- Timer.mm ++;
- } else {
- Timer.mm = 0;
- Timer.hh ++;
- }
- }
if (charger_State != Stop) {
chsnprintf(buf, 12, "T:%02u:%02u:%02u", Timer.hh, Timer.mm, Timer.ss);
} else {
chsnprintf(buf, 12, "T:00:00:00");
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 153, 158, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ gdispFillStringBox(160, 123, 158, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
@@ -310,22 +304,36 @@ static void prepare_Screen(void) {
static void btn1_handler(button_state_t state) {
if (state == BTN_st_Pressed) {
gwinPrintf(GW1, "Button 1 pressed\n");
- current_Channel ++;
- if (current_Channel >= INA3221_CH_NUM) {
- current_Channel = INA3221_CH1;
- }
- int tmp = current_Channel + 1;
- gwinPrintf(GW1, "Channel #%u selected.\n", tmp);
+ if (charger_State == Stop) {
+ switch (current_Channel)
+ {
+ case INA3221_CH1:
+ current_Channel = INA3221_CH2;
+ break;
+ case INA3221_CH2:
+ current_Channel = INA3221_CH3;
+ break;
+ case INA3221_CH3:
+ current_Channel = INA3221_CH1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ current_Channel = INA3221_CH1;
+ break;
+ }
+ int tmp = (int)current_Channel + 1;
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, "Channel #%u selected.\n", tmp);
- char buf[16];
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "[1] ch.%u", tmp);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 1, 78, 15, buf, font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
+ char buf[16];
+ chsnprintf(buf, 10, "[1] ch.%u", tmp);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 1, 78, 15, buf, font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
- chsnprintf(buf, 12, " - %2uA ", charger_Channels[current_Channel].max_current/1000);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 16, 78, 15, buf, font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
+ chsnprintf(buf, 12, " - %2uA ", charger_Channels[current_Channel].max_current/1000);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 16, 78, 15, buf, font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
+ }
@@ -348,11 +356,15 @@ static void btn4_handler(button_state_t state) {
switch(charger_State) {
case Stop:
charger_State = Charge1;
- gwinPrintf(GW1, "Change state to Charge#1\n");
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, "Change state to Charge_1\n");
gdispFillStringBox(1, 91, 78, 15, "[4] Stop", font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
charger_State = Stop;
+ Current = 0;
+ Voltage = 0;
+ Power = 0;
gwinPrintf(GW1, "Change state to Stop\n");
gdispFillStringBox(1, 91, 78, 15, "[4] Start", font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
@@ -360,63 +372,83 @@ static void btn4_handler(button_state_t state) {
+static void mode_vt_cb(virtual_timer_t *vtp, charger_state_t st) {
+ (void)vtp;
+ charger_State = st;
* Read Voltage & Current, update screen info.
-//static void ina_Process(virtual_timer_t *vtp, void *p) {
-// (void)vtp;
-// (void)p;
static void ina_Process(void) {
- int32_t tmp1, tmp2;
+ int32_t tmp1, tmp2, current;
+ uint32_t volt;
char buf[12];
static int idx = 0;
+ static uint32_t sumCurrent=0, sumVoltage=0;
if (INA_Present != 0) {
- Current = INA3221_getCurrent(&ina3221, (ina3221_ch_t)current_Channel);
- Voltage = INA3221_getVoltage(&ina3221, (ina3221_ch_t)current_Channel);
+ current = INA3221_getCurrent(&ina3221, (ina3221_ch_t)current_Channel);
+ volt = INA3221_getVoltage(&ina3221, (ina3221_ch_t)current_Channel);
- tmp1 = Voltage / 1000;
- tmp2 = Voltage % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "V:%2d.%03u", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
- if (Current < 0) {
- Current = 1 - Current;
+ if (current < 0) {
+ current = 1 - current;
- tmp1 = Current / 1000;
- tmp2 = Current % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "I:%2d.%03u", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(160, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
- if (charger_State != Stop) {
- sumCurrent += Current;
- sumVoltage += Voltage;
- idx ++;
- if (idx >= INA_AVG_FACTOR) {
- idx = 0;
- secCurrent = (sumCurrent + (INA_AVG_FACTOR/2)) / INA_AVG_FACTOR;
+ sumCurrent += current;
+ sumVoltage += volt;
+ idx ++;
+ if (idx >= INA_AVG_FACTOR) {
+ idx = 0;
+ /* Count, summarize & show values */
+ if (charger_State != Stop) {
+ Current = (sumCurrent + (INA_AVG_FACTOR/2)) / INA_AVG_FACTOR;
+ Voltage = (sumVoltage + (INA_AVG_FACTOR/2)) / INA_AVG_FACTOR;
sumCurrent = 0;
- secVoltage = (sumVoltage + (INA_AVG_FACTOR/2)) / INA_AVG_FACTOR;
sumVoltage = 0;
- secPower = ((secVoltage * secCurrent) + 500) / 1000;
- Capacity_I += (secCurrent + 1800) / 3600;
- Capacity_P += (secPower + 1800) / 3600;
+ Power = ((Voltage * Current) + 500) / 1000;
+ Capacity_I += Current;
+ Capacity_P += Power;
+ tmp1 = Voltage / 1000;
+ tmp2 = Voltage % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 10, "V:%2d.%03uV", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
- tmp1 = secVoltage / 1000;
- tmp2 = secVoltage % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "Vs:%2d.%03u", tmp1, tmp2);
+ tmp1 = Current / 1000;
+ tmp2 = Current % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 10, "I:%2d.%03uA", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 153, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ tmp1 = Power / 1000;
+ tmp2 = Power % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 10, "P:%2d.%03uW", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 183, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ uint32_t tmp0 = (Capacity_I + 1800) / 3600;
+ tmp1 = tmp0 / 1000;
+ tmp2 = tmp0 % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 10, "CI:%2d.%03uAh", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 153, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ tmp0 = (Capacity_P + 1800) / 3600;
+ tmp1 = tmp0 / 1000;
+ tmp2 = tmp0 % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 10, "CP:%2d.%03uWh", tmp1, tmp2);
gdispFillStringBox(1, 183, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ }
- if (secCurrent < 0) {
- secCurrent = 1 - secCurrent;
- }
- tmp1 = secCurrent / 1000;
- tmp2 = secCurrent % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "Is:%2d.%03u", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(160, 183, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ /* Show bus voltage in STOP mode */
+ if (charger_State == Stop) {
+ tmp1 = sumVoltage / 1000;
+ tmp2 = sumVoltage % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 10, "V:%2d.%03uV", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ sumCurrent=0;
+ sumVoltage=0;
@@ -438,9 +470,20 @@ static void gpt_cb(GPTDriver *gptp) {
/* One second */
cnt = 0;
+ if (Timer.ss < 59) {
+ Timer.ss ++;
+ } else {
+ Timer.ss = 0;
+ if (Timer.mm < 59) {
+ Timer.mm ++;
+ } else {
+ Timer.mm = 0;
+ Timer.hh ++;
+ }
+ }
-// chSysUnlockFromISR();