@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
#define CHRGR_PAUSE1_S 60
#define CHRGR_PAUSE1_S 60
#define CHRGR_PAUSE2_S 60
#define CHRGR_PAUSE2_S 60
/* Type definitions */
/* Type definitions */
typedef enum chrgr_state {
typedef enum chrgr_state {
Stop = 0,
Stop = 0,
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ static const charger_channel_t charger_Channels[INA3221_CH_NUM] = {
/* Privae functions */
/* Privae functions */
static void prepare_Screen(void);
static void prepare_Screen(void);
static void ina_Process(void);
static void ina_Process(void);
-static void mode_vt_cb(virtual_timer_t *vtp, charger_state_t st);
+static void mode_vt_cb(virtual_timer_t *vtp, void *st);
static void btn1_handler(const button_state_t);
static void btn1_handler(const button_state_t);
static void btn2_handler(const button_state_t);
static void btn2_handler(const button_state_t);
static void btn3_handler(const button_state_t);
static void btn3_handler(const button_state_t);
@@ -91,7 +96,8 @@ static void btn4_handler(const button_state_t);
/* Private variables */
/* Private variables */
static binary_semaphore_t ina_bsem, charger_bsem;
static binary_semaphore_t ina_bsem, charger_bsem;
static virtual_timer_t mode_vt;
static virtual_timer_t mode_vt;
-static thread_t *uart_thread;
+static event_source_t ina_all_event, ina_bus_event;
+static event_source_t chrgr_st_event, time_event;
static charger_state_t charger_State;
static charger_state_t charger_State;
static ina3221_ch_t current_Channel;
static ina3221_ch_t current_Channel;
static uint32_t Current;
static uint32_t Current;
@@ -109,7 +115,7 @@ static btn_hndlr bha[Button_Num] = {btn1_handler, btn2_handler, btn3_handler, bt
* INA process thread.
* INA process thread.
-static THD_WORKING_AREA(waInaThread, 256);
+static THD_WORKING_AREA(waInaThread, 128);
static THD_FUNCTION(InaThread, arg) {
static THD_FUNCTION(InaThread, arg) {
@@ -122,21 +128,16 @@ static THD_FUNCTION(InaThread, arg) {
* Charger process thread. Once per second.
* Charger process thread. Once per second.
-static THD_WORKING_AREA(waChrgThread, 256);
+static THD_WORKING_AREA(waChrgThread, 128);
static THD_FUNCTION(ChrgThread, arg) {
static THD_FUNCTION(ChrgThread, arg) {
- char buf[16];
while (true) {
while (true) {
- if (charger_State != Stop) {
- chsnprintf(buf, 12, "T:%02u:%02u:%02u", Timer.hh, Timer.mm, Timer.ss);
- } else {
- chsnprintf(buf, 12, "T:00:00:00");
- }
- gdispFillStringBox(160, 123, 158, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ chSysLockFromISR();
+ chEvtBroadcastI(&time_event);
+ chSysUnlockFromISR();
@@ -244,12 +245,137 @@ int main(void) {
charger_State = Stop;
charger_State = Stop;
current_Channel = INA3221_CH1;
current_Channel = INA3221_CH1;
+ event_listener_t el0, el1, el2, el3;
+ /* Events initialization and registration.*/
+ chEvtObjectInit(&ina_all_event);
+ chEvtObjectInit(&ina_bus_event);
+ chEvtObjectInit(&chrgr_st_event);
+ chEvtObjectInit(&time_event);
+ chEvtRegister(&ina_all_event, &el0, 0);
+ chEvtRegister(&ina_bus_event, &el1, 1);
+ chEvtRegister(&chrgr_st_event, &el2, 2);
+ chEvtRegister(&time_event, &el3, 3);
+ eventmask_t events;
+ charger_state_t oldState = Stop;
+ char buf[16];
+ uint32_t tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
* Normal main() thread activity, in this demo it does nothing except
* Normal main() thread activity, in this demo it does nothing except
* sleeping in a loop and check the button state.
* sleeping in a loop and check the button state.
while (true) {
while (true) {
- chThdSleepMilliseconds(500);
+ //chThdSleepMilliseconds(500);
+ events = chEvtWaitAny(ALL_EVENTS);
+ if (events & INA_ALL_VALUSE) {
+ /* need to control curren/voltage in charge/decharge modes */
+ tmp1 = Voltage / 1000;
+ tmp2 = Voltage % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 11, "V:%2d.%03uV", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ tmp1 = Current / 1000;
+ tmp2 = Current % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 11, "I:%2d.%03uA", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 153, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ tmp1 = Power / 1000;
+ tmp2 = Power % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 11, "P:%2d.%03uW", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 183, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ tmp0 = (Capacity_I + 1800) / 3600;
+ tmp1 = tmp0 / 1000;
+ tmp2 = tmp0 % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 13, "CI:%2d.%03uAh", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(160, 153, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ tmp0 = (Capacity_P + 1800) / 3600;
+ tmp1 = tmp0 / 1000;
+ tmp2 = tmp0 % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 13, "CP:%2d.%03uWh", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(160, 183, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ }
+ if (events & INA_BUS_VALUES) {
+ tmp1 = Voltage / 1000;
+ tmp2 = Voltage % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 11, "V:%2d.%03uV", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gdispFillStringBox(1, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ }
+ if (events & CHRGR_ST_CHANGE) {
+ switch (charger_State) {
+ case Charge1:
+ oldState = Charge1;
+ Capacity_I = 0;
+ Capacity_P = 0;
+ Timer.hh = 0;
+ Timer.mm = 0;
+ Timer.ss = 0;
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, "Begin process: Charge_1\n");
+ // power relay on
+ palClearLine(LINE_RELAY1);
+ break;
+ case Pause1:
+ oldState = Pause1;
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, "Pause after Charge_1\n");
+ // power relay off
+ palSetLine(LINE_RELAY1);
+ chVTSet(&mode_vt, CHRGR_PAUSE1_S, mode_vt_cb, (void *)Decharge);
+ break;
+ case Decharge:
+ oldState = Decharge;
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, "Begin process: Decharge\n");
+ // load relay on
+ palClearLine(LINE_RELAY2);
+ break;
+ case Pause2:
+ oldState = Pause2;
+ tmp0 = (Capacity_I + 1800) / 3600;
+ tmp1 = tmp0 / 1000;
+ tmp2 = tmp0 % 1000;
+ chsnprintf(buf, 15, "CI:%2d.%03uAh\n", tmp1, tmp2);
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, buf);
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, "Pause after Decharge\n");
+ // load relay off
+ palSetLine(LINE_RELAY2);
+ chVTSet(&mode_vt, CHRGR_PAUSE2_S, mode_vt_cb, (void *)Charge2);
+ break;
+ case Charge2:
+ oldState = Charge2;
+ gwinPrintf(GW1, "Begin process: Charge_2\n");
+ // power relay on
+ palClearLine(LINE_RELAY1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ oldState = Stop;
+ // power and load relay off
+ palSetLine(LINE_RELAY1);
+ palSetLine(LINE_RELAY2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (events & TIME_CHANGE) {
+ if (charger_State != Stop) {
+ chsnprintf(buf, 12, "T:%02u:%02u:%02u", Timer.hh, Timer.mm, Timer.ss);
+ } else {
+ chsnprintf(buf, 12, "T:00:00:00");
+ }
+ gdispFillStringBox(160, 123, 158, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ }
@@ -369,21 +495,29 @@ static void btn4_handler(button_state_t state) {
gdispFillStringBox(1, 91, 78, 15, "[4] Start", font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
gdispFillStringBox(1, 91, 78, 15, "[4] Start", font1, Yellow, Blue, gJustifyLeft);
+ chSysLockFromISR();
+ chEvtBroadcastI(&chrgr_st_event);
+ chSysUnlockFromISR();
-static void mode_vt_cb(virtual_timer_t *vtp, charger_state_t st) {
+static void mode_vt_cb(virtual_timer_t *vtp, void * st) {
- charger_State = st;
+ charger_State = (charger_state_t)st;
+ chSysLockFromISR();
+ chEvtBroadcastI(&chrgr_st_event);
+ chSysUnlockFromISR();
* Read Voltage & Current, update screen info.
* Read Voltage & Current, update screen info.
static void ina_Process(void) {
static void ina_Process(void) {
- int32_t tmp1, tmp2, current;
+ int32_t current;
uint32_t volt;
uint32_t volt;
- char buf[12];
static int idx = 0;
static int idx = 0;
static uint32_t sumCurrent=0, sumVoltage=0;
static uint32_t sumCurrent=0, sumVoltage=0;
@@ -413,42 +547,20 @@ static void ina_Process(void) {
Capacity_I += Current;
Capacity_I += Current;
Capacity_P += Power;
Capacity_P += Power;
- tmp1 = Voltage / 1000;
- tmp2 = Voltage % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "V:%2d.%03uV", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
- tmp1 = Current / 1000;
- tmp2 = Current % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "I:%2d.%03uA", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 153, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
- tmp1 = Power / 1000;
- tmp2 = Power % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "P:%2d.%03uW", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 183, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
- uint32_t tmp0 = (Capacity_I + 1800) / 3600;
- tmp1 = tmp0 / 1000;
- tmp2 = tmp0 % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "CI:%2d.%03uAh", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 153, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
- tmp0 = (Capacity_P + 1800) / 3600;
- tmp1 = tmp0 / 1000;
- tmp2 = tmp0 % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "CP:%2d.%03uWh", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 183, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ chSysLockFromISR();
+ chEvtBroadcastI(&ina_all_event);
+ chSysUnlockFromISR();
/* Show bus voltage in STOP mode */
/* Show bus voltage in STOP mode */
if (charger_State == Stop) {
if (charger_State == Stop) {
- tmp1 = sumVoltage / 1000;
- tmp2 = sumVoltage % 1000;
- chsnprintf(buf, 10, "V:%2d.%03uV", tmp1, tmp2);
- gdispFillStringBox(1, 123, 106, 29, buf, font2, Red, Gray, gJustifyCenter);
+ Voltage = sumVoltage;
+ chSysLockFromISR();
+ chEvtBroadcastI(&ina_bus_event);
+ chSysUnlockFromISR();